[投稿]HTR+ Slot Racing Simulator (US) PCSE00551

[投稿]HTR+ Slot Racing Simulator (US) PCSE00551




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  1. avatar Smoker1 会员 5

    That is not how it looked when I Posted it. Here is what it should look like

    # PCSE00551 HTRplus Slot Car Simulation
    # Created by Yohoki on GBATemp
    # Credits are troublesome to pin down. If anyone can find it, add to the Comments

    _V0 Car Type [0-13]
    $3201 8380F94C 00000010
    $3300 00000000 00000013

    _V0 Engine Type [0-5]
    $3201 8380F94C 00000030
    $3300 00000000 00000005

    _V0 Chassis Type [0-5]
    $3201 8380F94C 0000001C
    $3300 00000000 00000005

    _V0 Wheel Type [0-5]
    $3201 8380F94C 00000020
    $3300 00000000 00000005