optantic XBLA 金手指合集 更新 179合1 v20150320


optantic XBLA 金手指合集 更新 179合1 v20150320

运行支持的游戏时会弹出提示 请根据提示的按键呼出金手指菜单
如果不支持XEX格式的游戏 请试着转成GOD格式使用

179合1 v20150320

179 Changelog:
修复Castlevania Mirror of Fate副武器和MP失效问题
Castlevania Harmony of Despair 增加到+11
XBLA_179in1_Trainers_v20150320.rar (1346) XBLA_179in1_Trainers_v20150320.rar (2455) XBLA_179in1_Trainers_v20150320.rar (958)

179合1 v20140819

179 Changelog:
Death Tank +5
Peggle 2 +6
R.B.I. Baseball 14 +7
The Warriors: Street Brawl +7
XBLA_179in1_Trainers (1964)

175合1 v20140526/20140527

175 Changelog:
Batman Arkham Origins Blackgate Deluxe Edition +2
Lucha Fury +5
Super Time Force +5
Voltron: Defender of the Universe +7
XBLA_175in1_Trainers_0527.rar (1434) XBLA_175in1_Trainers_0527.rar (1052) XBLA_175in1_Trainers_0527.rar (947) 20140526版
XBLA_175in1_Trainers_0526.rar (1201) XBLA_175in1_Trainers_0526.rar (1024) XBLA_175in1_Trainers_0526.rar (936)


171 Changelog:
A.R.E.S. Extinction Agenda EX +6
Charlie Murder +3
Double Dragon II: Wander of The Dragons +4
Kung Fu Strike +6
Serious Sam Double D XXL +4
The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile +3
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team +5
Zombie Wranglers +4
All Games are hacked in Container format (no default.xex). If cheats doesn't work on extracted (has default.xex), try it on Container format.
All Cheats were only tested at the beginning of the game, so feel free to report any bugs you found
Note: Castle Crasher TU3 has 3 more extra characters to unlock than noTU or TU2
If you don't see the characters in the video after using the Unlock All Characters Code, that means you are not using TU3.
Note:Capcom Arcade Cabinet : Side Arms, hold LT for Invincible (Single Robot), do not hold LT when pick up Beta or Alpha icon (before Robot Combines), after Robots are Combined, push LT 1 time for Invincible

XBLA_171in1_Trainers.rar (1328) XBLA_171in1_Trainers.rar (924) XBLA_171in1_Trainers.rar (982)


163 Changelog:
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams +6
Strider +6
The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai +6
XBLA163in1_Trainers (1379)


RC2 Changelog:
Fixed BloodRayne Infinite Ammo not working on jumping shoots
Fixed Sega Vintage Collection Games and Wonder Boy +6 to +7
Invincible Tiger +2 to +6 (HP, 1 Hit KO)
Sine Mora +6 to +8
Few other fixes not reported by users
XBLA160in1_Trainers_RC2.rar (1161) XBLA160in1_Trainers_RC2.rar (885) XBLA160in1_Trainers_RC2.rar (1012)


160 in 1 Changelog:
New Games added:

BloodRayne: Betrayal +3
Comix Zone +1
Final Exam +7
Sega Vintage Collection Golden Axe +8
Sega Vintage Collection Streets of Rage +6
Sega Vintage Collection Wonder Boy +6
Shoot Many Robots +6
Unbound Saga +4
old games:
Hardcorps Uprising to +9
XBLA160in1_Trainers.rar (1000) XBLA160in1_Trainers.rar (1136) XBLA160in1_Trainers.rar (889)


152 Changelog:
New Games added:

3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures +1
3D Ultra Mini Golf Adventures 2 +1
Assault Heroes +4
Assault Heroes 2 +4
Bejeweled 2 +3
Bejeweled 3 +5
Castle of Illusion +3
Castlevania: Mirror of Fate HD +5
Crazy Mouse +2
Ducktales Remastered +6
Gatling Gears +2
Guardian Heroes +4
Interpol +2
Matt Hazard: Blood Bath and Beyond +7
Minesweeper Flags +1
New Rally X +2
Outland + 2
Peggle +1
Renegade Ops +8
Robotron 2084 +4
Sega Vintage Collection Alex Kidd & Co. +8
Shadow Complex +2
Sonic the Hedgehog +3
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 +3
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 +3
Sonic & Knuckles +4
Sonic 4 Episode 1 +3
Sonic 4 Episode 2 +3
Soul Calibur 2 HD +5
Tecmo Bowl Throwback +2
old games:
Smash TV added Inf weapons and Invincible
Rush'n Attack added some Achievements
Zombie Apocalypse NDA added Inf health
Castle Crasher TU3 has 3 more extra characters to unlock than noTU or TU2
If you don't see the characters in the video after using the Unlock All Characters Code, that means you are not using TU3.

Capcom Arcade Cabinet : Side Arms, hold LT for Invincible (Single Robot), do not hold LT when pick up Beta or Alpha icon (before Robot Combines), after Robots are Combined, push LT 1 time for Invincible
XBLA152TrainersIn1fix.rar (1053) XBLA152TrainersIn1fix.rar (1133) XBLA152TrainersIn1fix.rar (893)


这样就可以与RETROBYTE合集版金手指一起使用而不会发生冲突 在开启第二个金手指引擎之前必须先关闭第一个金手指引擎加载的所有金手指选项

1. Copy the 2 files XBLA_119_Trainers and XBLA_119_Trainers_Launcher.xex to anywhere in your Xbox360 HDD
2. Run XBLA_119_Trainers_Launcher.xex using FileManager or other tools
3. It should return to Dashboard with or without an error message
4. Run any game on the Games Supported List
5. A Popup message should appear before the Title Screen
6. Follow instruction on the Popup message on how to Display the Cheats Menu
7. Input Cheat #(s) and push START || Multi Cheat # supported, Single Digit = Enable, Double Digits = Disable:
To enable Cheats 1 to 4 only, input 1234 or 2314, or 4123 or in any order and push START
To disable Cheats 1 and 3, input 1133 or 3311 and push START
8. To switch to the next game on the Games Supported List, exit back to Dashboard and run game without powering off the Console.

Note: All Games are hacked in Container format (no default.xex). If cheats doesn't work on extracted (has default.xex), try it on Container format.

All Cheats were only tested at the beginning of the game, so feel free to report any bugs you found

Dashlaunch required? : no idea, mine don't have it installed
Dashboard version required? : tested on 16197, but it should work on all versions
TU required? NO and YES , NO means cheats should work with no TU installed, YES means cheats should work with TU installed
Display Cheats Menu: push BACK + START to display the Cheats Menu, if it takes Screen Shot for you then you could also push BACK+LEFT, BACK+RIGHT, LEFT+START, or RIGHT+START

XBLA119TrainersIn1_v3a.rar (1067) XBLA119TrainersIn1_v3a.rar (1132) v03
XBLA119TrainersIn1_v3.rar (976) XBLA119TrainersIn1_v3.rar (1133) v02
1. Fixed the problem where trainer would not run on some consoles
2. Fixed a few codes there and there
XBLA119TrainersIn1_v2.rar (957) XBLA119TrainersIn1_v2.rar (1030) 20130827版本
119in1tr01new.rar (970) 119in1tr01new.rar (1138) 测试版
119in1tr01.rar (1054) 119in1tr01.rar (1189)

  • 版权声明: 本文源自互联网, 于11年前,由整理发表,共 5251字。
  • 原文链接:点此查看原文



目前评论:446   其中:访客  322   博主  124

  1. avatar sanji 游客 1


  2. avatar enccod 游客 1

    renegade ops 金手指提示输入#(数字) 但是没有反应,求大大帮助下感谢。 :sad:

  3. avatar yldcom 游客 2

    请问,我用最新的179合一金的指,战斧为什么没有效果呀?用XYZ的+8金手指可以加载,但加载后进任何游戏都死机,只能拨电源! :?:

    • avatar yldcom 游客 2

      @yldcom :sad: 表达错了,不是没效果,是按START+BACK不出菜单。试了一下1942,可以正常使用!

      • avatar 七支剑 博主

        @yldcom 进入游戏后看提示 可能开启的快捷键不对

        • avatar yldcom 游客 2

          @七支剑 进1942有提示,战斧没有任务提示。游戏ID:534507E5 ,应该没错吧? :mrgreen:

          • avatar optantic 游客 5

            @yldcom 遊戲ID沒有錯,可惜179裡面沒有這遊戲

            • avatar yldcom 游客 2

              @optantic http://www.speedfly.cn/3287.html
              Title ID: 534507E5
              Media ID: 2DC89BDF
              七支剑大大或其它高手帮看一下,很想玩战斧哦!太难! :cry:

              • avatar optantic 游客 5

                @yldcom 試試用测试版,有無限血

                • avatar yldcom 游客 2

                  @optantic 这个也试过了,,开了金手指后被打也不变一半血,再关了也没出现无限血。。。我怎么这么背呀!!

              • avatar 七支剑 博主

                @yldcom 更新了一个AURORA版本 试试吧

                • avatar yldcom 游客 2

                  @七支剑 还是很感谢七支剑大大了!不知道为什么进游戏还是没有提示,按START+BACK也没有菜单。我准备再下载一个游戏试下吧。跟机器版本没关系吧?16747…

                  • avatar 七支剑 博主

                    @yldcom 这个版本应该没问题 重下游戏试试吧

                    • avatar yldcom 游客 2

                      @七支剑 我内置硬盘里现在的战斧是光盘转的GOD游戏。新游戏已经下载完了,刚下的ISO转成XEX放在处置硬盘试一下。马上就可以试了。
                      试过了,还是失败! :sad:

                      • avatar 七支剑 博主

                        @yldcom 那就没办法了 残念 等会儿我也试试

                        • avatar yldcom 游客 2

                          @七支剑 七大不用试了。本人没有经验,刚查Aurora的金手指使用方法才会用的。本来以为像独立金手指使用方法按START+BACK呢。。已试验成功。再次感谢! :idea: :mrgreen:

  4. avatar optantic 永久VIP 5


    • avatar optantic 永久VIP 5

      @optantic 沒有什麼,剛剛玩Castlevania Mirror of Fate: 才發現Act2第二個和Act3的副武器Hearts失效,MP bar不加也不減的問題
      Castlevania Harmony of Despair 增加到+11

  5. avatar fucker 会员 5

    須要不被敵人偵查(emeny blind)和評價全S的功能

  6. avatar Anggle 游客 0

    That’s a cunning answer to a chlaelnging question