

即将发布的文章会提前加入各金手指索引列表 所以如果索引中有打不开的链接 可以先来这边确认是否已发布



    目前评论:422   其中:访客  394   博主  28

    1. avatar Ida Bagus Ngurah Jayawidura 会员 5

      请求 :
      [Ni no Kuni II Revenant Kingdom PRINCE’S EDITION美国版v1.10]

    2. avatar fellowpigies 会员 5


    3. avatar ꧁༺紅༒蓮༻꧂ 会员 2


      • avatar Smoker1 会员 5

        @꧁༺紅༒蓮༻꧂ 可能的原因

        Possible Reason – There are some Users who Post Codes on other Sites, so only Updates are being done, with little to no new Games being done.

        • avatar kerelenko 会员 3

          @Smoker1 really sad. I’m not VIP but I buy the codes I need here outright. I hope he doesn’t stop making codes since some games don’t get updated at gbatemp. @Smoker1 can you help update the gbatemp AC Ezio code to 1.3, please? 谢谢你

    4. avatar Smoker1 会员 5


      Need Help. With GameShark not working, how do I find and create Cheats using Luma3DS??? Will also need Pointer Help

      • avatar 七支剑 博主

        @Smoker1 i remember luma have a plugin,but forgot the name

        • avatar Smoker1 会员 5

          @七支剑 我努力了

          I have tried that one, but I can not get it to run now, or I keep getting Arm11 Crash. Is there another way to get Gateway to run, since the Website is gone?

    5. avatar 安静玩游戏 会员 0


    6. avatar Hero 会员 0


    7. avatar Dark Horsemen 会员 1

      请求大神出个ns 刺客信条艾吉奥合集的金手指

    8. avatar SAKURA 会员 2

      大大有意向做勇者斗恶龙 寻宝探险团的金手指吗

    9. avatar lsd1250 会员 0


    10. avatar 傃敌_Druid 会员 1

      大佬大佬 想要皇家骑士团重生的金手指

    11. avatar Smoker1 会员 5


      Request –

      Asphalt 9 Legends

      TitleID: 01007B000C834000

      BuildID: 0C12F97C14C52363

      Version: 1.3.2b (Update 24)

      • avatar Smoker1 会员 5

        @Smoker1 更新信息

        Updated Information:

        Requires the Modified Save on GBATemp that was made. There is one in Chinese, and a User helped make a English one. Chinese only has 1 Offline Quick Race Completed, but the English one has a lot of them Completed. So Game can now work in Offline Mode with the Modified Saves, and now can have Cheats created

    12. avatar fellowpigies 会员 5

      please show us your skills one more time for The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

    13. avatar "ᴛ̶ɪ̶ᴍ̶ᴇ̶." 会员 1

      大佬 求重聚矿石镇1.1.6的金手指

    14. avatar fellowpigies 会员 5

      请求 : MONSTER HUNTER STORIES [010069301B1D4000]

    15. avatar Peterson Michael 会员 1

      SD 高达 G Generation Genesis
      PCSH00242 版本 1.0.6 nonpdrm