作者: optantic + eco95
1 2 3 4 5 |
TID: 0100f2200c984000 BID: [需要搭配1.0.6更新] 6ee15d1e9bc5ce90 |
01. 玩家無限血 P1 In. HP
02. 玩家無限絕招超能力 P1 Inf. Super Special Moves
03. 玩家無限場景超能力 P1 Inf. Stage Interact Super
04. 玩家無限大絕招(感謝风灵月影大神提供搜尋數據) P1 In.Fatal Blow
05. 電腦一擊斃命 CPU 1-hit Kill
06. 電腦立即死亡 CPU instant Kill
07. 電腦沒有絕招超能力 CPU NO Super Special Moves
08. 電腦沒有場景超能力 CPU NO Stage Interact Super
09. 電腦沒有大絕招 CPU No Fatal Blow
使用方法: 直接下載 .rar, 解壓後, 把 sxos 整個資料夾複製到記憶卡.
https://u13638801.ctfile.com/fs/13638801-389295716 [2019-07-23]
https://u13638801.ctfile.com/fs/13638801-389295716 [2019-07-23]
再次感謝Baga大神, optantic大師, ioritree大師的大力幫忙與教導!
2019年06月06日 03:09 沙发
2019年06月06日 07:24 1层
@七支剑 1.05版本才更新支援中文,所以才會這麼久喔~
2019年06月11日 18:17 板凳
2019年06月11日 19:13 1层
@AllenYZ 目前仅VIP可看
2019年06月19日 17:52 地板
2019年06月19日 18:43 1层
@ntbowen 日後,這遊戲,都只會放上一版本的金手指喔。
2019年06月19日 19:52 2层
@eco95 有个性!
2019年07月23日 17:53 2层
@eco95 补丁更新到1.07了https://pan.baidu.com/s/1cAASYnoOZoNyiFiZsR7T3Q,大佬该出1.06了吧
2019年07月23日 21:44 3层
@ntbowen 已經更新 1.06 版本了. 謝謝您~
2019年07月03日 04:56 4楼
How do you know what the BaseID is for a Game???? Using Atmosphere, and EdiZon. It shows a Base Number, but not the Actual BaseID. Also, how do you even determine it? What happen to the Vita type method of TitleID/Version, or like the 3DS TitleID/Version? Seriously, how many different Versions of a Game are out there?
Also, how do you completely remove a Game from, the System? I delete the Game/Update/Save, but when I Install the Base, it says there is a Update, like it is in the System from the last Install.
2019年07月03日 08:58 1层
@Smoker1 new Edizon can show bid
clear game can not clear tickets so must be install last version
2019年07月03日 15:16 2层
@七支剑 今天就读一下
Read about EdiZon Latest Build today. Works MUCH better. But I can not find certain Codes. Need to know how to start a Unknown Value Search. Trying to find Urban Trial Freestyle, but when I search for 0 Crashes Cheat, it does not work properly. It will Search, then go back to starting a new Search.
Game: Urban Trial Freestyle (EU)
TitleID: 01001B10068EC000
BuildID: 65d165fec9324c96
2019年07月03日 16:49 3层
@Smoker1 only use tx cheat search
2019年07月03日 21:52 4层
@七支剑 看起来更好
Yes, it looks better. But to get TX Cheat Search, I think it must only be used with SX OS? No separate DL? Can SX OS be used with Atmosphere?
2019年07月03日 23:59 5层
@Smoker1 yes need sx os
2019年07月25日 05:20 5楼
Run Game, get to Menu, Enable Cheats (Inf HP, or even CPU 1 Hit). Play Game. Get to 6th Fight, or even Complete short Tower, then try running Game again. Game will crash requiring it to Close.
Is it the Codes, or the Update?
2019年07月25日 09:05 1层
@Smoker1 问题的解决方案
Before Updating to 1.06, Game and maybe Save MUST be Deleted. Restart, then Install Game, 1.06 Update, then DLC. So far, is working good, except there is still Graphics Slowdown at times, like it is struggling to keep up.
Also, for US Users – For Cheats, MUST make a new .txt File, Copy all Data needed. Just Deleting Chinese Characters will not work. Also must remove all special Characters. Not sure what Characters are allowed for EdiZon, but just to be safe, just have Letters/Numbers ONLY
2019年07月25日 09:07 2层
@Smoker1 Thanks for the testing and the solution. ^_^
2019年10月15日 06:04 3层
@eco95 需要帮忙
Need some information. How were you and Optantic able to figure out the Inf HP? The Codes another User and I tried, a few worked…….but then started switching between me and the CPU. I even tried getting
580f1000 00000000
added into it where it should be. I even added the F Register. No luck.
2019年08月14日 11:37 6楼
Update 1.0.7
So far, I found these Codes, forgot where, but need them Tested.
BuildID – 2cd2fb8c04450194
[Unlock Collection (On)]
08000000 01DA7B90 D65F03C0 320003E0
[Unlock Collection (Off)]
08000000 01DA7B90 A9036FFC D10243FF
2019年08月15日 15:47 7楼
Also 1.0.8 Codes were Posted also.
BuildID – 765f9f605385a15c
[Unlock Collection On]
08000000 01DD4A50 D65F03C0 320003E0
[Unlock Collection Off]
08000000 01DD4A50 A9036FFC D10243FF
2019年10月11日 01:36 8楼
Request Update – Will there be any Updated Cheats? Currently, 1.0.10
BuildID – 7dd420a59ee310dd
2019年10月21日 03:42 9楼
BuildID – 7DD420A59EE310DD
Credit should go to patjenova on GBATemp for finding these.
[#01 P1 In. HP]
580F0000 0A6afab0
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 00000B98
640F0000 00000000 3F800000
[#05 CPU 1-hit Kill]
580f0000 0A6afab0
580f1000 00000018
780f0000 00000B98
640f0000 00000000 3A000000
[#06 CPU instant Kill]
580f0000 0A6afab0
580f1000 00000018
780f0000 00000B98
640f0000 00000000 00000000
2019年10月21日 16:15 10楼
Version 1.0.10 (v655360)
[#01 P1 In. HP]
580F0000 0A6afab0
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 00000B98
640F0000 00000000 3F800000
[#02 P1 Inf. Super Special Moves]
580F0000 0A5D9980
780F0000 00000184
640F0000 00000000 44fa0000
[#03 P1 Inf. Stage Interact Super]
580F0000 0A5D9980
780F0000 00000194
640F0000 00000000 44fa0000
[#04 P1 In.Fatal Blow]
580f0000 0A5D9980
780f0000 000003dc
640f0000 00000000 00000001
[#05 CPU 1-hit Kill]
580f0000 0A6afab0
580f1000 00000018
780f0000 00000B98
640f0000 00000000 3A000000
[#06 CPU instant Kill]
580f0000 0A6afab0
580f1000 00000018
780f0000 00000B98
640f0000 00000000 00000000
[#07 Unlock Collection Chars Stages ON]
08000000 01E3BA10 D65F03C0 320003E0
[#08 Unlock Collection Chars Stages OFF]
08000000 01E3BA10 A9036FFC D10243FF
2019年11月29日 05:46 11楼
Request – @speedfly – Not sure if you can look at Memory Dumps, but I need help. Hopefully with your Method, something can be done with the Memory Dump. Used JNoexs to get it. So with that, I included all information on MAIN Start/End, the Address where the HP is.
2019年11月29日 13:16 1层
@Smoker1 you mean make hp assembly code?
2019年11月29日 15:23 2层
@七支剑 信息
Any Code. I went through the List of 23 Possible Pointers with JNoexs. Nothing worked except the first 2. Those Codes worked, but it kept switching between 1P/CPU, or Both, and Random. Supposed to be a good sign that there is a Pointer in there somewhere.
Hopefully with what I have Provided, a Health Code can be found/created
2019年11月30日 14:59 2层
@七支剑 更新资料
1.0.11 BuildID – 5cc95226dbaaae04
So I found the Pointers for Inf Super, Interactions, Time and Fatal Blows. Will just use the ones I am using since all the Time/Super/Interaction Pointers work. Still nothing on a Health. There was a 1 Depth that did a Random from 1P to CPU, to both. So there should be something in it. But the Offset is higher now, and there are MANY Results.
[Inf Round Time]
58000000 09D461E8
78001000 000005C0
62000000 00000000 000000F0
[Inf Super 1]
580F0000 0A8EC990
780F0000 00000184
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[Inf Interactions 1]
580F0000 0A8EC990
780F0000 00000194
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[Inf Fatal Blows P1]
580F0000 0A8EC990
780F0000 000003DC
640F0000 00000000 00000001
2019年12月20日 07:10 12楼
Thanks to patjenova on GBATemp for getting the 1P Inf Health and CPU 1-Hit Kill
Mortal Kombat 11
TitleID – 0100F2200C984000
BuildID – dfe3c7c2880ce91d
Version – 1.0.12
[#00 Inf Round Time]
58000000 09D64A48
78001000 000005B0
61000000 00000000 000000F0
[#01 P1 In. HP]
580F0000 0AFEDB58
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 00000BC0
640F0000 00000000 3F800000
[#02 Inf Enhanced Moves]
580F0000 0A8F5990
780F0000 00000184
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[#03 Inf Interactions]
580F0000 0A8F5990
780F0000 00000194
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[#04 Inf Fatal Blows]
580F0000 0A8F5990
780F0000 000003DC
640F0000 00000000 00000001
[#05 CPU 1-hit Kill Press R3]
580f0000 0AFEDB58
580f1000 00000018
780f0000 00000Bc0
640f0000 00000000 3A000000
2020年02月23日 10:36 13楼
Updated Codes. MANY thanks to Patjenova for helping me Step-by-Step to find the HP Code.
[Inf Round Time]
580F0000 0A0F6028
780F1000 000005B0
610F0000 00000000 000000F0
[P1 Inf health]
580F0000 0B380BE0
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 00000C10
640F0000 00000000 3F800000
[Inf Interactions]
580F0000 0AC88990
780F0000 00000184
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[Inf Enhanced Moves]
580F0000 0AC88990
780F0000 00000194
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[Inf Fatal Blows]
580F0000 0AC88990
780F0000 000003DC
640F0000 00000000 00000001
[CPU NO Interactions]
580F0000 0AC88990
580F1000 00000158
780F0000 00000184
640F0000 00000000 00000000
[CPU NO Enhanced Moves]
580F0000 0AC88990
580F1000 00000158
780F0000 00000194
640F0000 00000000 00000000
[CPU 1Hit Death]
580F0000 0B380BE0
580F1000 00000018
780F0000 00000C10
640F0000 00000000 3A000000
[CPU 1Hit Death Press R3]
580F0000 0B380BE0
580F1000 00000018
780F0000 00000C10
640F0000 00000000 00000000
2020年04月01日 18:55 1层
@Smoker1 跪求大佬,可否发一下V1.0.013版本的代码,感激不尽!!!
2020年04月01日 18:56 2层
@浅笑微凉 1.0.13版本
2020年04月01日 21:50 3层
@浅笑微凉 更新资料
Update 1.0.15
– BuildID – DBF3CF1A67412D92
[01# Inf Time]
580F0000 0A487EE8
780F1000 000005B0
610F0000 00000000 000000F0
[02# P1 Inf health]
580F0000 0B713C78
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 00000C18
640F0000 00000000 3F800000
[03# Inf Interactions]
580F0000 0B01B990
780F0000 00000184
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[04# Inf Enhanced Moves]
580F0000 0B01B990
780F0000 00000194
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[05# Inf Fatal Blows]
580F0000 0B01B990
780F0000 000003DC
640F0000 00000000 00000001
[06# CPU NO Enhanced Moves Alt]
580F0000 0B01E6A8
780F0000 00000184
640F0000 00000000 00000000
[07# CPU NO Interactions Alt]
580F0000 0B01E6A8
780F0000 00000194
640F0000 00000000 00000000
[08# CPU No Fatal Blows]
580F0000 0B01B990
580F1000 00000158
780F0000 000003E4
640F0000 00000000 00000001
[09# CPU 1 Hit Death Press R3]
580F0000 0B713C78
580F1000 00000018
780F0000 00000C18
640F0000 00000000 00000000
[10# Unlock Collection Chars Stages ON]
08000000 02CEF840 D65F03C0 320003E0
[11# Unlock Collection Chars Stages OFF]
08000000 02CEF840 A9016FFC D101C3FF
2020年04月02日 11:49 4层
@Smoker1 谢谢大佬,1.0.13版本可用是么?
2020年04月02日 14:53 5层
@浅笑微凉 更新资料
Update 1.0.13
BuildID – 618a891e4a49d835
[01# Inf Time]
580F0000 0A0EAA38
780F1000 000005B0
640F0000 00000000 000000F0
[02# P1 Inf health]
580F0000 0B374BE0
580F1000 00000000
780F0000 00000C10
640F0000 00000000 3F800000
[03# P1 Inf Super Special Moves]
580F0000 0AC7C990
780F0000 00000184
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[04# P1 Inf Stage Interact Super]
580F0000 0AC7C990
780F0000 00000194
640F0000 00000000 44FA0000
[05# P1 Inf Fatal Blows]
580F0000 0AC7C990
780F0000 000003DC
640F0000 00000000 00000001
[06# CPU 1 hit Kill Press R]
580F0000 0B374BE0
580F1000 00000018
780F0000 00000C10
640F0000 00000000 00000000
[07# CPU NO Super Special Moves]
580F0000 0AC7C990
580F1000 00000158
780F0000 00000184
640F0000 00000000 00000000
[08# CPU NO Stage Interact Super]
580F0000 0AC7C990
580F1000 00000158
780F0000 00000194
640F0000 00000000 00000000
[09# Unlock Collection Chars Stages (On)]
08000000 02CC8970 D65F03C0 320003E0
2020年07月13日 13:29 14楼