AllTU +6
BACK+START 打开金手指菜单
Title ID: 584111E8
LB + BACK - INF Stamina
LB + DPAD_UP - No-Reload
LB + DPAD_RIGHT - INF Suppressors
Tested and Working with all dlc's (BreakDown, LifeLine)
Title ID: 584111E8
LB + BACK - INF Stamina
LB + DPAD_UP - No-Reload
LB + DPAD_RIGHT - INF Suppressors
Tested and Working with all dlc's (BreakDown, LifeLine)
迅雷快传已失效 勿点击
State of Decay Trainer+6.rar [2014-09-07]
State of Decay Trainer+6.rar [2014-09-07]
State of Decay Trainer+6.rar [2014-09-07]
State of Decay Trainer+6.rar [2014-09-07]
360云盘已失效 请勿点击
State of Decay Trainer+6.rar (提取码:49b9) [2014-09-07]
State of Decay Trainer+6.rar (提取码:49b9) [2014-09-07]
AllTU +6
BACK+↑ 或 START+↑ 打开金手指菜单
Title ID 584111E8
TU All
Dpad Up(x4) - Activate All Codes
Dpad Down(x4) - View All Codes
RT(x4) - Inf Health
RB(x4) - Weapons Don't Break
LT(x4) - Inf Ammo
LB(x4) - Inf Stamina
Y(x4) - Inf Items
X(x4) - Inf Silencer
Works on Main and DLC's
Title ID 584111E8
TU All
Dpad Up(x4) - Activate All Codes
Dpad Down(x4) - View All Codes
RT(x4) - Inf Health
RB(x4) - Weapons Don't Break
LT(x4) - Inf Ammo
LB(x4) - Inf Stamina
Y(x4) - Inf Items
X(x4) - Inf Silencer
Works on Main and DLC's
迅雷快传已失效 勿点击
State of decay trainer.rar [2014-06-10]
State of decay trainer.rar [2014-06-10]
State of decay trainer.rar [2014-06-10]
State of decay trainer.rar [2014-06-10]
State of decay trainer.rar [2014-06-10]
State of decay trainer.rar [2014-06-10]
TU4 +3
Title ID :584111E8
Inf Health
Inf Stamina
Inf Ammo
Inf Health
Inf Stamina
Inf Ammo
迅雷快传已失效 勿点击
StateofDecayBreakdownTU4+3.rar [2013-12-07]
StateofDecayBreakdownTU4+3.rar [2013-12-07]
StateofDecayBreakdownTU4+3.rar [2013-12-07]
StateofDecayBreakdownTU4+3.rar [2013-12-07]
360云盘已失效 请勿点击
StateofDecayBreakdownTU4+3.rar [2013-12-07]
StateofDecayBreakdownTU4+3.rar [2013-12-07]
零售版 +6
LB + START - Inf Ammo + no-reload.
LB + BACK - Inf item's.
LB + ↑ - Inf Health
LB + ↓ - Inf Stamina
LB + → - Inf Silencer
LB + ← - Guns wont break
LB + BACK - Inf item's.
LB + ↑ - Inf Health
LB + ↓ - Inf Stamina
LB + → - Inf Silencer
LB + ← - Guns wont break
迅雷快传已失效 勿点击
State of Decay Trainer.rar [2013-06-08]
State of Decay Trainer.rar [2013-06-08]
State of Decay Trainer.rar [2013-06-08]
State of Decay Trainer.rar [2013-06-08]
Inf Ammo + no-reload.
Inf items usage.
Inf Helth
Inf Stamina
Duplicate items on supply lockers
Inf items usage.
Inf Helth
Inf Stamina
Duplicate items on supply lockers
迅雷快传已失效 勿点击
State of Decay.rar [2013-05-28]
State of Decay.rar [2013-05-28]
State of Decay.rar [2013-05-28]
State of Decay.rar [2013-05-28]
零售版 +10
BACK+↑ 或 BACK+START 打开金手指菜单
Title ID: 584111E8
Infinite Stamina
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Influence*
Influence Multiplier
Infinite Silencer
Unbreakable Guns
Supply Mod
Equipped Item Mod
Stockpile Mod
Infinite Influence = Will not decrease when shopping
Influence = Activate/ Sell item and get double current Influence
* Turn Off after you reach a high amount of INFLUENCE
Supply Locker Mod = Will give you max amount (Number Varies Per Item)
Equipped Item Mod = Infinite usable equipped item (Makes it 2)
Stockpile Mod = Doubles your stockpile item on gain,spend, and daily decrease. Make sure you have at least 1 or more Stockpile item before activating.
1 current item X 2 = 2 items
15 current item X 2 = 30 items .
It Doesn't matter how much you spend or gain it will multiply your current amount X2
Title ID: 584111E8
Infinite Stamina
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Influence*
Influence Multiplier
Infinite Silencer
Unbreakable Guns
Supply Mod
Equipped Item Mod
Stockpile Mod
Infinite Influence = Will not decrease when shopping
Influence = Activate/ Sell item and get double current Influence
* Turn Off after you reach a high amount of INFLUENCE
Supply Locker Mod = Will give you max amount (Number Varies Per Item)
Equipped Item Mod = Infinite usable equipped item (Makes it 2)
Stockpile Mod = Doubles your stockpile item on gain,spend, and daily decrease. Make sure you have at least 1 or more Stockpile item before activating.
1 current item X 2 = 2 items
15 current item X 2 = 30 items .
It Doesn't matter how much you spend or gain it will multiply your current amount X2
迅雷快传已失效 勿点击
{Trainer} State Of Decay XBLA RETAIL +10 TeamXPG.rar [2013-06-07]
{Trainer} State Of Decay XBLA RETAIL +10 TeamXPG.rar [2013-06-07]
{Trainer} State Of Decay XBLA RETAIL +10 TeamXPG.rar [2013-06-07]
{Trainer} State Of Decay XBLA RETAIL +10 TeamXPG.rar [2013-06-07]
零售版 +5
BACK+↑ 或 BACK+START 打开金手指菜单
Title ID: 584111E8
Infinite Stamina
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Influence*
Influence Multiplier
Infinite Influence = Will not decrease when shopping
Influence = Activate/ Sell item and get double current Influence
* Turn Off after you reach a high amount of INFLUENCE
Title ID: 584111E8
Infinite Stamina
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Influence*
Influence Multiplier
Infinite Influence = Will not decrease when shopping
Influence = Activate/ Sell item and get double current Influence
* Turn Off after you reach a high amount of INFLUENCE
迅雷快传已失效 勿点击
{Trainer} State Of Decay XBLA RETAIL TeamXPG.rar [2013-06-06]
{Trainer} State Of Decay XBLA RETAIL TeamXPG.rar [2013-06-06]
{Trainer} State Of Decay XBLA RETAIL TeamXPG.rar [2013-06-06]
{Trainer} State Of Decay XBLA RETAIL TeamXPG.rar [2013-06-06]
+5 汉化版
BACK+↑ 或 BACK+START 打开金手指菜单
Infinite Stamina
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Influence*
Influence Multiplier
Infinite Influence = Will not decrease when shopping
Influence = Activate/ Sell item and get double current Influence
* Turn Off after you reach a high amount of INFLUENCE
Infinite Stamina
Infinite Ammo
Infinite Influence*
Influence Multiplier
Infinite Influence = Will not decrease when shopping
Influence = Activate/ Sell item and get double current Influence
* Turn Off after you reach a high amount of INFLUENCE
迅雷快传已失效 勿点击
{Trainer} State of Decay PNET +5 TeamXPG cn.zip [2013-05-13]
{Trainer} State of Decay PNET +5 TeamXPG cn.zip [2013-05-13]
{Trainer} State of Decay PNET +5 TeamXPG cn.zip [2013-05-13]
{Trainer} State of Decay PNET +5 TeamXPG cn.zip [2013-05-13]
2013年05月30日 19:29 沙发
Onishakal +5 这个金手指开启了无限体力后 翻墙人物会漂浮在半空中然后随机的到处漂移!
2013年06月09日 21:41 板凳
2013年08月19日 22:55 地板
State of Decay 的 金手指, 應那個版本才不死機啊? 我用ALI213 的版本金手指開得了, 但無效.
2013年08月20日 10:33 1层
@emton 无效可能性很多 请自行对照说明文章检查自己的运行环境
2013年08月28日 19:50 2层
@七支剑 求腐烂国度最新TU3的金手指。。。