I will keep the 1.25 Update with the 1.34 Update Codes. This is for Users who wish to stay on 1.25 Update.
Codes are for PCSE00065 (US) NoNpDRM
For the TiltGoAway Code (Big Shot, Genie, Fireball, El Dorado), this needs to be looked at. Same for Inf Timer on Goin' Nuts. I tried to Shorten Table Names to fit Code Name Limit.
# PCSE00065 Pinball Arcade Ver1.25-1.34
_V0 999,999 Points-SomeNotShow 125
$0200 82A66C40 000F423F_V0 Ball 1-Addams-Creat-JD-T2 125
$0000 8289D7E0 00000001_V0 Ball 1-Addams-Creat-JD-T2 134
$0000 82B3B688 00000001_V0 Bonus 50x-Creature 134
$0000 82B3BC2D 00000032_V0 Ball 1-MM-TAN-TZ-MB-NF 125
$0000 8289D783 00000001_V0 Ball 1-MM-TAN-TZ-MB-NF 134
$0000 82B3B62B 00000001_V0 Bonus 100x-MedMadness 134
$0000 82B3BBC8 00000063_V0 Always Ball 1-Stiff-Magic 125
$0000 8289D780 00000001_V0 AlwaysBall 1-Stiff-Magic 134
$0000 82B3B628 00000001_V0 Always Ball 1-Mars-CV 125
$0000 8289D786 00000001_V0 AlwaysBall 1-Mars-CV 134
$0000 82B3B62E 00000001_V0 Always Ball 1-Teed-CBW 125
$0000 8291D754 00000001_V0 AlwaysBall 1-Teed-CBW 134
$0000 82BBB429 00000001_V0 Always Ball 1-STTNG 125
$0000 8289D7E3 00000001_V0 Ball 1 - STTNG 134
$0000 82B3B68B 00000001_V0 Always Ball 1-FunHouse 125
$0000 8289D7DF 00000001_V0 Ball 1 - FunHouse 134
$0000 82B3B687 00000001_V0 Always Ball 1-BridePB 125
$0000 8289D7D9 00000001_V0 Ball 1 - BridePB 134
$0000 82B3B681 00000001_V0 Always Ball 2-RipBIoN 125
$0000 8173D553 00000001_V0 Always Ball 1-HiO-NGG 125
$0000 8289D789 00000001_V0 Ball 1 - HiO-NGG 134
$0000 82B3B631 00000001_V0 Ball 1-BgSt-Genie-ED-FB 125
$0000 82A66C50 00000005_V0 Ball 1-BgSt-Genie-ED-FB 134
$0000 82D253D8 00000005_V0 TiltGoAway-BgSt-Genie-ED-FB 134
$0000 82D1CBD8 00000000_V0 Always Ball 1-BlkHle-Gor-GN 125
$0000 82A66C50 00000003_V0 Ball 1 - BlkHle-Gor-GN 134
$0000 82D253D8 00000003_V0 Inf Time for Points-Goin Nuts 134
$0000 82D24E88 0000003C_V0 Code to Avoid 125
$0000 82E69530 00000000_V0 Code to Avoid 134
$0000 830E8EB0 00000000