AURORA 更新 0.7B.1


AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

这是一个有点类似于FSD的XBOX360用自制软件 可以在主机端管理游戏、文件、金手指等 具体的可以通过下面这段视频来简单了解 有中文界面 金手指以外的功能请查看下方的官方更新文档


这里我们主要讲讲金手指的使用方法 其他功能请自行挖掘 应该跟FSD差不多
AURORA支持的金手指目前主要来源于XYZ的独立金手指 但并非是XYZTrainer或XYZProject的独立金手指 那个不适用于AURORA XYZ方面正在转换成AURORA可用的文件


1、你需要一台XBOX360自制主机或者XDK SDK之类的机器
3、在AURORA根目录内新建一个Trainers目录 大致结构如下图(0.6B版本需要在AURORA根目录内的user目录下新建Trainers目录)

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

4、下载游戏对应的AURORA金手指解压并放到第3步建立的Trainers目录内 0.6B之前的版本最终目录结构类似于"Aurora/Trainers/(游戏TitleID)/(xex金手指文件)" 0.6B的最终目录结构类似于"Aurora/user/Trainers/(游戏TitleID)/(xex金手指文件)"



1、XBOX360端运行AURORA(运行AURORA目录内的Aurora.xex) 关闭Freestyle插件 具体操作为按START进入设置界面 光标移动到"Plugin"选项 界面右边去掉"Always Load On Boot"前面的勾选 然后点击下面的"Unload"按钮

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

2、在游戏列表中移动到对应的游戏上 按Y键打开游戏信息界面 按方向键至界面下方"A"图标边上出现Trainer字样
3、按下A键进入金手指菜单 按Y键切换 开启/关闭 选项或直接按A键同时启动游戏和金手指 进入游戏后就可以使用了

AURORA支持不关机不关金手指切换另一个游戏和金手指 在游戏中按手柄的西瓜键打开AURORA菜单选择运行AURORA的XEX文件进入AURORA主菜单 再按上面的步骤选择运行另一个游戏和金手指即可

AURORA下载地址 更新0.7b.1

Aurora 0.7b.1

Aurora 0.6b

Aurora 0.6b - Release (3283) MD5:3C563CA803C81D43665E4D782BCEC41D

Aurora 0.5b

Aurora 0.4b

Aurora 0.3b

官方更新文档 更新0.7b.1

Aurora 0.7b.1


There have been some bug reports since we released 0.7b (including a crash), so we have created a hotfix to take care of some of them:

(Fixed) RSS Feed crash
(Fixed) FileBrowser header saying 'Testing File Browser'
(Fixed) NetISO showing up in the menu even though its been disabled
(Changed) tray state empty in webui to idle
(Fixed) String Conversion issue in Msgbox Task Handler that impacted confirmation screens in the Saved Game Updater
(Added) Additional languages

Supported Languages
English - Default Language
German - Translated by saywaking
Turkish - Translated by saywaking
Dutch - Translated by Mattie
French - Translated by NordSudTeam
Simplified Chinese - Translated by RichardLWJ
Russian - Translated by Wisher
Spanish - Translated by Gromber


Thank you for all the reports, we appreaciate all your input.


Please post bugs in the support forum, or check out #RealModScene on Efnet for support.

Version numbers

0.7b.1 r1622 Binaries
0.7b.1 r1622 Skin
0.7b.1 r1622 NOVA


After the longest wait ever (more than a year since our preview post), we have Aurora 0.7b for you to enjoy! It contains some bug fixes and some exiting new features and improvements, big and small:
Profile / Disc Panel
New CoverFlow Layout 'Minimal'
Disc Number Indicator and Title Sort
RSS Feeds
Customizable Background Animation
Profile Selector / Auto Sign-in at boot
Title Specific Settings
Saved Game Manager
Temperature Graph
Utility Scipts engine improvements
New Skinning Features (QuickView Settings, Avatars, Video's, etc)
And last, but not least, Freestyle Plugin has been rebranded/replaced:
NOVA, including a new WebUI

Disc/Profile Panel

One of the biggest changes this release, is the addition of a Profile / Disc panel on the main screen. It shows the currently inserted disc and has options to launch/play it or show details (Xbox 360 / Classic discs only). It will also attempt to retrieve movie or audio disc information when connected to internet. When no disc is inserted, profile information is shown. The panel can be hidden, or configured to show your avatar instead of profile image.

The top screenshot also shows the included CoverFlow Layout 'Minimal', the new Disc Number Indicator at the bottom right, the RSS Feed in place of the button bar, and the new Customizable Background Animation

The disc indicator will allow you to see what disc is currently selected, without having to look at the game details. The default sort by title name also includes disc number now, in addition to location (local before network).
The background animation can be customized to your liking through the customization menu.

Profile Selector / Auto Sign-in at boot

You can now choose to show a profile selector at boot, or have Aurora sign-in to your favorite profile automatically. This allows you to have custom look and feel for different users, without having to switch through the HUD afterwards.

Title Specific Settings

We have added the possibility to save some DashLaunch settings and the Screencapture button configuration per game. This allows you, for example, to turn of the screen capture button combo when using a trainer for 1 specific game.

Saved Game Manager

In addition to viewing your save games, this release allows you to manage them as well. You can move or copy them to another device or link them to your profile.

Temperature Graph

We had some space left on the System Menu, so we've included a Temperature Graph for you to stare at for hours on end.

Utility Scripts engine improvements

There have been some requests on the forums to add functionality to the Utility Scripts engine. The following items from the changelog reflect some of the changes:
(Added) DvdTrayState and DvdMediaType enums to enums.lua
(Added) DiscTitle flag to available ContentFlags in enums.lua
(Added) DVD Lua Library to scripting engine enabling opening and closing of tray, getting current tray state and media info. DVD Lua library has been grouped into the FileSystem permission set.
(Updated) Utility Scripts to utilize a 'mininumAuroraVersion' variable to allow future scripts to dictate which version of Aurora they need to properly run (due to missing or new API usage).
(Fixed) Bug in ScnGizmoUI that creates undefined behavior if the ClassOverride was not properly provided by Script author
(Updated) The LuaInterface methods to be more generic to work within internal code as well
(Added) Support for scripts to use an alternate XL scene size in the LuaGizmo library. Used by calling hGizmo:SetXLScene(true); prior to hGizmo:InvokeUI(...);
(Updated) LuaLibrary code to separate 0.6API from future API versions
(Added) Http.GetEx and Http.PostEx methods to the LuaHttp library to allow optional download progress callbacks
(Added) RunLuaOnBoot setting as an additional security option.
(Added) GetPartitionFreeSpace, GetPartitionUsedSpace and GetPartitionSize to the FileSystem LUA library
(Updated) Script.ShowPopupList() LUA method to support ProfileSelector (Type 5) and DeviceSelector (Type 6)
(Updated) Script.ShowPopupList to use user defined title and empty text instead of hardcoded text
(Added) New LUA functions to the LuaSettings class ( Settings.AddRSSFeed, Settings.DeleteRSSFeed, Settings.UpdateRSSFeed )
(Added) New LUA methods for retrieving existing RSS Feeds (Settings.GetRSSFeeds and Settings.GetRSSFeedById)
(Added) Additional methods to the LuaProfile library including Profile.Login and Profile.Logout
(Added) Updated the Script Lua library to allow script to ask for passcode, and passcode entered be returned. (Script.ShowPasscodeEx)
(Fixed) LuaXuiSlider SetStep and SetValue being swapped in functionality
(Added) XuiHTML libraries - enabling support in Aurora Skins as well as LUA Gizmos
(Added) Lua Support for XuiHtmlElements and XuiHtmlControls in Gizmo scenes
(Added) SetTextColor and SetDropShadowColor to the XuiObject.Text element for LUA scripting
(Updated) LuaHttpLib to handle rename failed state
(Updated) LuaHttpLib to handle all status codes and allow the Lua script to determine what is invalid

There have also been a some changes related to http requests that have impact on the script engine:
(Added) Custom coded Aurora HTTP/1.1 Client with HTTPS, encrypted or unencrypted cookies, chunked-encoding support
(Added) Support for additional request verbs PUT, PATCH, HEAD, DELETE and OPTIONS
(Added) Support for different input types including FormData, UrlEncodedFormData, Multipart/Form-data, and raw data

New Skinning Features (QuickView Settings, Avatars, Video's, etc)

Some changes that allow more options for skinners, like adding (background) video's, avatars, etc (these require custom elements in XuiTools, which are included in the downloads below):
(Added) Avatar Rendering support including custom XuiControl called XuiAvatarPresenter (will required custom XML Extensions)
(Added) Support to configure the QuickView trigger buttons dynamically, instead of being hardcoded to LB and RB.
(Updated) Quickview to utilize the XuiAnimEvent control to fix the glitch that occurs when tabbing too fast through quick views
(Updated) QuickView scene to remove hardcoded 5-tabs and instead made configurable via TabCount field (min: 3, max: 9), allowing skin creators to show more than 3 quickviews on screen at a time with out graphic glitches.
(Replace) XuiAnimEvent with XuiTabEvent to properly trigger the update function
(Updated) Wallpaper Theme/Shader to be skin / shader specific.
(Added) XuiHTML libraries - enabling support in Aurora Skins as well as LUA Gizmos
(Added) New XUI extension called XuiMarqueePresenter to allow horizontally scrolling text (skinnable XUI component)
(Added) XuiVideoPresenter control (WIP)


This release includes the long awaited NOVA plugin. This first version is more or less a rebrand of the Freestyle Plugin version, and includes a few fixes and a brand new responsive WebUI. Pictures speak louder than words:

(Added) libmicrohttpd 0.9.52 library to SVN
(Updated) Libmicrohttpd to support System Sockets on Xbox360
(Updated) Nova to be loadable by Aurora
(Updated) Aurora to load Nova.xex (FSPlugin Rebrand).
(Removed) All references to Freestyle Plugin
(Updated) Nova LOG message for incorrect Aurora version
(Updated) Nova and libmicro for system threaded httpD
(Updated) WebUI to utilize JSON WebTokens instead of Basic authorization
(Updated) Error files to utilize Nova Branding.
(Deleted) Error files 304 and 503. Are not used.
(Updated) Error handling for all GET requests
(Updated) Error handling for all POST requests
(Added) Error files for 400, 424, 429 and 501
(Added) postAuthenticate JSON template to the WebUI folder
(Added) HTTP Error Code 409 to the html error templates
(Updated) POST Handlers for all HTTP API Calls
(Added) DELETE Handlers for HTTP API Calls
(Added) Token transfer system exports to be used in Launchers
(Added) New NOVA (FSP Rebrand) Support into Aurora with updated exports
(Added) Nova HTTP Server Security Key synchronization
(Added) DvdTrayState and DvdMediaType enums to enums.lua
(Added) 'Disc' filter to the list of available content filters
(Added) DiscTitle flag to available ContentFlags in enums.lua
(Added) DVD Lua Library to scripting engine enabling opening and closing of tray, getting current tray state and media info. DVD Lua library has been grouped into the FileSystem permission set.
(Added) Disc support to QuickBrowser dialog
(Added) DVD content handling system in Content Manager to allow more advanced handling of disc titles inserted into the DVD Drive.
(Updated) The storage manager CDROM device to use a hardcoded serial string instead of calculating it every boot.
(Fixed) A HTTP Download error message that occurs when trying to rename the .dl file
(Updated) Database schema to version 3 and added a new DvdCache table for holding cached DVD titles
(Added) DvdCase case artwork for DVD titles. The case is red.
(Updated) QuickBrowse to reflect disc games in the QuickBrowser with a icons.
(Updated) Utility Scripts to utilize a 'mininumAuroraVersion' variable to allow future scripts to dictate which version of Aurora they need to properly run (due to missing or new API usage).
(Added) New QuickView Icon for 'Disc' game type (both predefined and additional options)
(Fixed) Bug where gamelist would change focus upon adding or updating content in a specific scenarios
(Updated) The communication protocol for disc game insertion / removal and how it communicates with XUI.
(Fixed) Bug in ScnGizmoUI that creates undefined behavior if the ClassOverride was not properly provided by Script author
(Fixed) Bug where changing profile state would not properly dismiss the GameOptions->background scene
(Added) Avatar Rendering support including custom XuiControl called XuiAvatarPresenter (will required custom XML Extensions)
(Added) Icons and Placeholder artwork for XuiAvatarPresenter
(Fixed) 16 thread related memory leaks!
(Added) DVD Profile Scene code.
(Changed) Aurora_Main button controls from XuiNavButton to XuiButton to fix minor navigation issues.
(Fixed) Issue related to navigating backwards from Game Details scene
(Added) Support to configure the QuickView trigger buttons dynamically, instead of being hardcoded to LB and RB.
(Added) More DVDProfile Panel functionality
(Added) AvatarProfile thumbnail settings
(Updated) DiscState code and ProfileDVD UI Handling methods
(Updated) Aurora_Main to hide the profile panel when leaving the main scene
(Added) Ability to hide ProfileDVDPanel if the setting is set to FALSE
(Added) Added Hold-to-Launch and Hold-to-Options buttons in DVD Panel
(Added) Support for VideoDVDs and downloading Metadata/Artwork from internet
(Fixed) Launching Code from Main Scene
(Fixed) Issue where DVD ContentScan would not pick up a 2nd xbox game after one has been added to the database already
(Updated) XuiBrushControl to be more generic in function naming
(Updated) XUI layout of SaveGames scene for save game manager
(Updated) ContentWorker to have a dedicated DVD path queue to allow DVD paths to have higher priority than normal content
(Added) More logging to the Content Scan process to help with testing
(Removed) An old content loop in the ContentCallback class that was slowing down the adding process. (old code)
(Updated) DVDMonitor to spawn a fake trigger thread AFTER the ContentManager is loaded
(Added) Borders to ProfilePicture and DiscIcon visuals
(Updated) Saved Game Manager
(Updated) DVD Monitor class for first trigger
(Added) XamProfileOpen and XamProfileClose to xkelib
(Updated) The LuaInterface methods to be more generic to work within internal code as well
(Added) Alternate Constructors for Keyboard, Msgbox, and Passcode Task Actions
(Updated) SavedGameUpdater class to better handle error states
(Updated) ProfileState Data to correctly retrieve AchievementsEarned and not TitlesPlayed
(Updated) Saved Game Manager to correctly move saves when the DELETE permission is not enabled
(Fixed) Issue where Nova/FSP plugin settings wouldn't apply unless the plugin was reloaded.
(Added) DiscIndictator to the main screen (supports games with up to 5 discs )
(Added) DiscIndicator code to Main Scene
(Removed) DVD Button and Module List stuff from SystemTools scene (obsolete)
(Added) Support for scripts to use an alternate XL scene size in the LuaGizmo library. Used by calling hGizmo:SetXLScene(true); prior to hGizmo:InvokeUI(...);
(Updated) LuaLibrary code to separate 0.6API from future API versions
(Added) Http.GetEx and Http.PostEx methods to the LuaHttp library to allow optional download progress callbacks
(Added) TemperatureGraph class with skeleton framework
(Updated) DVDProfile Panel with final artwork, layout and localizations
(Updated) XuiAvatarPresenter to use LINEAR texture filtering instead of POINT to soften edges
(Updated) DVDPanel to correctly respond to updated GAMEICONS
(Added) Support for downloading CD Audio Covers and Metadata from Microsoft
(Removed) Unnecessary debug messages from constructors and destructors of IStateData
(Updated) Debug messages to utilize WARNING tag instead of ERROR when not a critical issue
(Fixed) Content Manager / SQL database writing error for DVD Titles
(Added) TitleSpecific Settings XUI scene for TitleSpecific Settings in Game Options
(Removed) Unused code and comments from ScnApplication class used during testing
(Changed) Moved CoverFlow down 25px because of Disc/Profile panel (#798)
(Updated) Quickview to utilize the XuiAnimEvent control to fix the glitch that occurs when tabbing too fast through quick views
(Updated) QuickView scene to remove hardcoded 5-tabs and instead made configurable via TabCount field (min: 3, max: 9), allowing skin creators to show more than 3 quickviews on screen at a time with out graphic glitches.
(Replace) XuiAnimEvent with XuiTabEvent to properly trigger the update function
(Updated) Aurora_QuickView for organization
(Fixed) Issue where QUICKVIEW icon would not save if copying and using a Built In Icon.
(Fixed) XUI Navigation issue in the ScnQuickViewConfigUI.
(Updated) The way Compressed Skins are processed to allow them to be deleted within the Skin Manager
(Removed) SetFileCache call from looped function to minimize HDD access calls
(Updated) Temperature Graph with final localizations
(Added) Settings to toggle between Celsius and Fahrenheit
(Added) Skeleton code for ProfileSelector
(Fixed) Temperature graph when changing from Celsius to Fahrenheit
(Added) RunLuaOnBoot setting as an additional security option.
(Updated) LocaleManager to use key-based locale look ups to avoid missing key crashes. Missing keys should show up as -=# BAD STRING #=-.
(Updated) GameSubtitles to a ScnPopupUI.
(Updated) ScnPopupUI to support listening to ContentUpdated messages
(Removed) Game_Options_Subtitles.xui (deprecated)
(Removed) Game_Options_Covers.xui (not used)
(Added) Alternate Build ContentTable method in the Content Scripts
(Updated) ExecuteSubtitleFunction method to use new BuildContentTable method
(Fixed) Crash related to quickview Enter_Tab method
(Updated) RunLuaOnBoot setting visual
(Updated) Changed Detected in security settings per design revisions
(Added) Handle "Play" button of media remote for launching Video and Audio discs (#841)
(Added) GetPartitionFreeSpace, GetPartitionUsedSpace and GetPartitionSize to the FileSystem LUA library
(Added) Title Specific Settings framework in Database, SettingManager, ContentManager and GameContentManager
(Added) XUI file and XUI Class framework for Title Specific Settings Front End.
(Added) Title Settings to Launch Menu in Game Options (Third Icon to the Left)
(Added) Game_Options_TitleSettings scene to allow configuration of title specific settings
(Updated) Title Specific Settings implementation with more progress
(Fixed) Issue where DVD/Profile panel would popup when cycling through games from within game options.
(Removed) references located in the SystemLink module comments
(Updated) Error message string that contained to
(Updated) Title Specific Settings to apply settings on game launch
(Fixed) Issue where scanning new games or refreshing games in Aurora 0.6 would cause the link supported flag to always be false.
(Added) SkinXMLReader method to get settings in WCHAR format
(Added) Custom DeviceSelectorUI to allow finer control over device select options
(Updated) SavedGame Options to utilize new DeviceSelectorUI
(Added) Added DeviceSelector icons to skin
(Updated) ProfileSelectorUI to match latest design
(Updated) SavedGameManager to use ProfileSelectorUI instead of only working with signed in profile
(Updated) DeviceSelectorUI to respond StorageDevicesChanged messages
(Fixed) Issue with the enable button needing to be hit twice to work for TitleSettings
(Removed) Left over artwork from Aurora_Main
(Updated) TitleUpdate scene to use Aurora DeviceSelector
(Updated) PrepareForMultiDiscLaunch to use new priority system for selecting games. (ScanPath > DeviceId > Fixed > Removable > ConnectX)
(Fixed) Spelling error in localization for Device and Profile selector title strings
(Updated) Script.ShowPopupList() LUA method to support ProfileSelector (Type 5) and DeviceSelector (Type 6)
(Updated) Script.ShowPopupList to use user defined title and empty text instead of hardcoded text
(Fixed) Issue with NOVA Plugin crashing on RSS Feed display when no feeds were available
(Fixed) Issue where content wouldn't launch from FileBrowser - (kernel changed????)
(Updated) NOVA HomeTabSignedIn and HomeTabSignedOut to reflect Aurora instead of FSD
(Fixed) Crash when UPNP Search Handle fails to create. May be related to having SMB dll active....
(Fixed) Issue causing FileManager to skip empty folders when performing a PASTE operation
(Updated) Device Selector Icons to new format (still too large)
(Fixed) Flag check in DDSImage class to prevent some DDS images from registering for conversation properly
(Disabled) Support for 0x7 and 0x6 texture formats for XBE game icons to fix crashing
(Updated) Device Selector Icons with smaller images (improves framerate)
(Fixed) Issue with FileManager copying empty folders present in the root of a copy
(Added) New User Settings for Wallpaper RGB Color Factor and Time Scale
(Added) New Shader variables to support new user specific Wallpaper settings
(Fixed) Skin issue where Verify Link was still referencing Freestyle Plugin
(Updated) NOVA plugin version to match that of Aurora's
(Added) Background Animation Customization Scene
(Added) New variables to the WallpaperShader.fx and updated CBkgShader class
(Fixed) Issue in ConnectXDrive that wouldn't apply the Remote PC or Share name to the System Path string
(Fixed) Typo in ConnectX Drive
(Added) Profile Change handling in theme Scene
(Updated) Up and Down navigation from the Configure button in Theme tab
(Changed) Configure button to 'Customize'
(Updated) Background animation shader to something that is periodic over long periods of time (the old shader broke if app runtime was long)
(Added) Skeleton code for screensaver function (FUTURE)
(Added) XuiHTML libraries - enabling support in Aurora Skins as well as LUA Gizmos
(Updated) The way XUIVideo registers to try and fix (need testing)
(Fixed) Issue wtih LuaHTML library causing undefined behavior in GetEx and PostEx functions
(Moved) main.lua to User/Scripts/Main.lua
(Updated) LocaleManager to prevent LanguagePacks from being used that were created with index based strings. Will now fail gracefully.
(Added) XBLA Patching and License Patching to the Title Specific Settings configuration scene
(Updated) DashLaunch module class to streamline the addition of future options
(Added) RSSFeed Support to Aurora
(Added) RSSFeed enable button to View Scene
(Added) RSSFeedEnabled, RSSFeedSpeed and RSSFeedMaxItems settings to SettingManager
(Added) Default RSSFeed for RealModScene - Scene News
(Fixed) Issue with stripping HTML code from RSS Feeds
(Added) Helper method to support stripping HTML code from wstrings
(Added) New LUA functions to the LuaSettings class ( Settings.AddRSSFeed, Settings.DeleteRSSFeed, Settings.UpdateRSSFeed )
(Added) Restraint to the MaxItems setting, requiring it to be 1 or larger
(Fixed) Bug in RSSFeed Setting object preventing remote modules to add RSS feeds properly
(Added) Fade masks to left and right side of RSS Feed Scroller
(Fixed) Issue with Settings.DeleteRSSFeed and Settings.UpdateRSSFeed
(Added) New LUA methods for retrieving existing RSS Feeds (Settings.GetRSSFeeds and Settings.GetRSSFeedById)
(Fixed) Button visuals representing Disabled Blur as #dddddd when it should have been #aaaaaa
(Fixed) Button visuals representing NormalSelDisabled as #dddddd when it should have been #444444
(Updated) Wallpaper Theme/Shader to be skin / shader specific.
(Updated) About Scene to include felida and gavin
(Updated) WallpaperShader.fx to clean up and comment code
(Remove) XboxInvaders EasterEgg from Aurora (reduce overall file size)
(Added) Support for the profile-switched callback in the Profile Panel
(Fixed) Bug related to using more than one XuiAvatarRenderer control at a time
(Added) Support for under-the-hood Profile Login and Logout directly from Aurora and not using HUD or Signin.xex
(Added) Additional methods to the LuaProfile library including Profile.Login and Profile.Logout
(Fixed) Issue where RSS Feed wouldn't apply enabled state settings at boot
(Updated) NXEART processing to take custom fields like nxecover and nxebanner
(Added) Profile Boot options including 'Select at Boot' and 'AutoSignIn'
(Added) More information and functionality to the DashLaunch module scene in Settings
(Fixed) Issue where Animation Configuration button wouldn't disable when Override Defaults was selected
(Added) Updated the Script Lua library to allow script to ask for passcode, and passcode entered be returned. (Script.ShowPasscodeEx)
(Fixed) DashLaunch Config App Launching
(Fixed) DashLaunch settings not being correct
(Fixed) Crash related to profile string conversion
(Updated) ProfilePopup to recheck cache on refresh - to capture profiles created in minihud
(Updated) Version information
(Fixed) Issue where FileManager would not be dismissed when changing GameDetails was dismissed
(Added) Framework code for upcoming DiscInstaller feature
(Fixed) Issue where Subtitle Selection PopupList was not able to be localized
(Fixed) Issue where disc status wouldn't update if there was no network detected
(Fixed) Issue where unrecognized disk, unrecognized audio and unrecognized video would not localize
(Fixed) Changes Detected visual in Security Settings appearing in the wrong place.
(Removed) DbgPrint for HTTP password and JWTs in Release mode
(Fixed) LuaXuiSlider SetStep and SetValue being swapped in functionality
(Added) EnableTabbing functionality to XamXuiApp
(Updated) FtpTools to start up the FtpServer at boot
(Added) Additional ContentExtractor functionality
(Added) Authentication requirement to additional API routes
(Renamed) HTTPD thread in Nova
(Fixed) Some Crashes with String Pointers
(Fixed) Crash when unloading Nova
(Updated) Timeout Interval to make it feel more responsive
(Added) mbedTLS library files
(Added) Support for PUT, PATCH, DELETE and OPTIONS request Methods
(Updated) HttpEndpoint to remove references to PostVars and changed them to FormData
(Added) Base framework for HTTP Cookie support
(Added) Basic 'Session' Cookie Support
(Renamed) HTTPEndpoint class
(Added) Persistent cookie support
(Added) Encrypted Cookie Support
(Cleaned) Up some memory leaking from CookieJar setting
(Added) Support for HTTPS
(Updated) memorybuffer.print_buffer method to print to stdout in blocks of 1024 chars.
(Removed) Dependency on ATG::XHTTP for the basis of the Aurora HTTP client
(Added) mbedTLS library to code base
(Added) Custom coded Aurora HTTP/1.1 Client with HTTPS, encrypted or unencrypted cookies, chunked-encoding support
(Added) Support for additional request verbs PUT, PATCH, HEAD, DELETE and OPTIONS
(Added) Support for different input types including FormData, UrlEncodedFormData, Multipart/Form-data, and raw data
(Added) Custom 'X-Content-Md5' header checking to allow server to send a MD5 Hash of download to be verify by client.
(Added) TitleUpdate download integrity checking using the X-Content-Md5 feature
(Updated) Method that Aurora receives download responses by separating the response from the endpoint- completely
(Removed) Remnants of old XHTTP endpoint and management code
(Restored) HTTP Priority functionality to the HTTP Manager class
(Fixed) HTTP Logging to use the logging class
(Updated) RSS Feed to pull in HTTPS url instead of the HTTP url that broke with server changes
(Updated) The aurora version macros to only require a single change instead of changing in multiple locations
(Added) HTTP Response Code 204 for /achievement and /achievement/player when no achievements are available for the given title
(Updated) The MultiDiscEngine code to reset the stored data when the title changes and the title id doesn't match the current title
(Fixed) Issue with CPU key not being displayed correctly using the /system HTTP request.
(Fixed) Typo in the AudioDisc Metadata URL
(Added) White space trimming support to URI parsing so that url can be properly parsed.
(Fixed) Issue where 204 NO CONTENT response was failing due to missing dependency
(Updated) /multidiscinfo to return 204 when a game has 1 or 0 disks.
(Added) GET Request '/smc' to HTTP server to allow user to get specific SMC related information
(Added) SITE NOVA command to FTP Server class
(Added) SITE NOVA Command to FtpDLL
(Fixed) Issue with SITE NOVA command
(Fixed) SIZE command not working properly in FtpDll
(Added) TitleChange detection to the /update HTTP call
(Added) New XUI extension called XuiMarqueePresenter to allow horizontally scrolling text (skinnable XUI component)
(Updated) SavedGame List and Achievements List to use Marquee Presenter to scroll extra long text fields when list item has focus
(Added) NOVA command with description to the 'HELP SITE' FTP command
(Updated) NovaPlugin Module settings scene to update load/unload button when the plugin changes its load state in the background (FTPCommand SITE NOVA)
(Updated) Wallpaper shader effect to allow the shader to set the maximum effect value
(Updated) The Wallpaper shader to set the max effect to 5 due to frame rate degradation.
(Fixed) range calculation in Wallpaper shader
(Fixed) Animation preview glitch occurring when overscan settings are used.
(Fixed) Focus loss when pressing Left Trigger in Overscan scene
(Added) Lua Support for XuiHtmlElements and XuiHtmlControls in Gizmo scenes
(Added) XuiVideoPresenter control (WIP)
(Added) SetTextColor and SetDropShadowColor to the XuiObject.Text element for LUA scripting
(Updated) HttpManager to handle Canceled state properly
(Fixed) Issue where HttManager would not finalize MD5 when HTTP request is canceled or an error occurs
(Updated) TitleUpdateManager to force the requirement of MD5 hash checking; requires xboxunity to implement X-Content-Md5 custom header
(Fixed) TitleUpdateManager not properly handled the cancel or error state
(Updated) HTTP Manager logging to Info type instead of Error type
(Updated) ContentManager to verify MD5 hash of boxart prior to accepting download as successful
(Updated) HttpEndpoint to track RenameFailed state
(Updated) LuaHttpLib to handle rename failed state
(Updated) LuaHttpLib to handle all status codes and allow the Lua script to determine what is invalid
(Fixed) Issue where POST/DELETE requests was replying with empty string in body instead of no body.
(Added) Notification for failed TU hash checks
(Fixed) Issue with new HTTP system in lua
(Updated) UpdateNotification calls to track with change counter instead of boolean to fix multi-session issues.
(Fixed) Achievement text display issue when a line break exists by replacing line breaks with spaces.
(Fixed) Issue in /achievement that was breaking json format due to unhandled special characters
(Updated) Achievement line break/carriage return replacement to use a zero width space character instead of two spaces.
(Removed) FSP WebUI
(Added) New NOVA WebUI
(Changed) Default wallpaper shader colors
(Changed) Version in SMC json template as string instead of number
(Changed) Hud 'developer' icon (LiNK)
(Added) Screencapture change notification on delete screencapture
(Fixed) Screencapture delete return NO CONTENT
(Added) Support for mime type SVG in NOVA
(Fixed) Some comments and logs (spelling)
(Removed) FSD/JQE360 references in comments
(Changed) Nova WebUI api number
(Changed) Sort method "Title Name" to sort on Title Name, Root (ConnectX last), Disc Number
(Added) saywaking in about
(Fixed) WebUI menu, notes, boxart and screenshots not showing in Internet Explorer
(Fixed) Issue causing the screenshot button combo to not save when modifying the 'Trigger' button.
(Added) NTPNumRetries and NTPRetryInterval settings to database.
(Updated) NTP class to retry the specified number of times. (Database only setting)
(Added) Retry capability to the GameList download. Will try up to 3 additional times before failing completely. (Hard coded).
(Added) New Coverflow Layout 'Mininmal' which allows wallpapers to be appreciated more.
(Updated) HTTPManager to not crash when no internet connection is provided
(Added) 'No Network' log messages to a couple of critical locations
(Fixed) Bug in GameOptions scene that kept the Trainers scene from opening
(Fixed) Bug in notification pop up for failed Title Update downloads.
(Added) Custom header to http requests to determine if security is enabled or not.
(Fixed) Issue related to SystemLink HUD menu not working on fresh install
(Fixed) QuickView UI not opening to the current view
(Fixed) Added X-Security-Enabled header to ALL responses in NOVA api
(Fixed) Handle X-Security-Enabled properly in WebUI #949
(Fixed) Error on webui logout when a screencapture was selected
(Fixed) screencapture size in IE (webui) #950
(Updated) SavedGameUpdater message box button text to "OK" instead of "Ok"
(Updated) VerifyLinkUI Plugin Loaded text to "NOVA Loaded" instead of "Nova Loaded"
(Updated) NTP Client methods to more modern code and error reporting
(Removed) Dummy strings from Aurora_Main

Supported Languages
English - Default Language
German - Translated by saywaking
Turkish - Translated by saywaking
Dutch - Translated by Mattie


It has been a long run. The scene has become smaller and smaller, but we like to thank all of you for sticking with us. Your interest in our work is what keeps us going.


Please post bugs in the support forum, or check out #RealModScene on Efnet for support.

Version numbers

0.7b r1595 Binaries
0.7b r1595 Skin
0.7b r1595 NOVA

Aurora 0.6b

Passcode Security

You can now set a profile specific passcode and special permissions for different types of actions in Aurora.

Cover Downloader

A new menu entry in the Game Details allows you to select a specific Cover from XboxUnity.

Game Wallpapers

Many of you probably know that while you are in the game details for a specific game, you can press the 'BACK' button to view the background with no UI blocking your view; however, we have now added the ability to set that artwork as your dash background.

Asset Importer

Assets (Covers, Backgrounds, Descriptions, etc) can now be imported from the import folder on the Xbox360 harddriveWe have added a method to import assets from an import folder on your Xbox360 harddrive, allowing you to update, replace or add images and text to your games library and fill out your game details without relying on an internet connection.

Screen Captures

Another menu entry in the Game Details allows you to view your Freestyle Plugin screen captures from within Aurora. From this menu you can even set your screen capture as your default Aurora background.

Plugin Settings

Plugin settings are now in one menu entry in the Settings Menu. The settings are also rearranged to make it more user friendly.

Utility Scripts

The biggest feature added to 0.6b is the possibility to create "Utility Scripts". Utility scripts are self-contained LUA applications that can be launched from within Aurora. A repo browser is included that lets you download some scripts from GitHub, including a Disc to GOD script and a Weather script.

(Fixed) #790 changed storage message to use wchar instead of wchar->char->wchar
(Fixed) Issue where file manager would open instead of utility scripts after passcode entry (Issue #792)
(Fixed) Issue with Passcode Scene and Keyboard Conflict when renaming game title (Issue#791)
(Removed) #787 test scenes removed: Aurora_TestScene.xui, Test.xui
(Updated) #788 About screen reflects current team
(Fixed) #563 incorrect dimensions for banner
(Fixed) Issue where cache style TitleUpdates would not properly update Marketplace Scene when downloaded. (Issue #761)
(Fixed) LUA progress uses QWORD instead of DWORD now
(Fixed) Lua progress now works for copy and move dir
(Added) copy repo script in build script
(Fixed) proper config for lua
(Updated) Aurora updater moves dirs to user dir (#774)
(Updated) Aurora updater uses given aurora xex name (needs aurora 0.6 as base) (#759)
(Fixed) removed no-disable flag from quickview copy (#784)
(Updated) Change Lua content and utility script paths #773
(Fixed) Use CreateFile with FILE_SHARE_READ when launching a xex or container #782
(Fixed) DVD spin up only when copy from dvd #775
(Added) Mountpoint in Lua FileObject #779
(Fixed) FileType in Lua FileObject #781
(Added) Scriptpath for version logging
(Fixed) Sort script path in logging
(Fixed) Various typo's in comments
(Updated) LUA 5.2.0 -> 5.3.3
(Fixed) LUA copy and move return actual result #777
(Added) Set xex name in launchdata for updater #759
(Fixed) Add back to exit utility scene #768
(Updated) Utility Script version to be an integer to match skin version
(Updated) Changed LUAERROR filter to LUA to be consistent with other LUA error messages and logging
(Added) Error logging for badly formed script headers
(Updated) The Version string localization for Script version to use floats instead of strings
(Updated) The Script Manager sort algorithm to use float sorting instead of strings
(Added) A conversion check on script version to ensure a valid version value is provided.
(Fixed) #771 Added a new scene for setting background from title, no longer using button hold
(Fixed) #770 Lua Script.SetStatus(nil) now generates a Lua error instead of crashing Aurora
(Fixed) Set dvd speed to default on boot #767
(Fixed) Removed "Game" reference from cover selection #765
(Added) Use BACK to exit FileBrowser (instead of dir up) #768
(Fixed) Removed screencapture transparency #762
(Updated) Replaced messagebox with notification for asset update #763
(Fixed) GetBasePath lua function restored
(Fixed) Added sorting to script list #757
(Removed) No more confirmation message on restart #764
(Fixed) Show correct thumbnail for default skin #760
(Added) Triple backslash replacement in CombinePath function
(Updated) FileToString now uses shared open to allow access to files in use
(Updated) Finished SVOD Installer (bugs, error handling, lua script) #766
(Updated) Changed "Set" to "As Background" for screencapture list #383
(Removed) Duplicate IsCanceled function definition
(Added) Support to enable/disable cancel button in script runner from script
(Added) Script.SetCancelEnable and Script.IsCancelEnabled functions to SCript library
(Fixed) Script Runner cancel button action
(Fixed) Issue where scripts were set to canceled prior to running.
(Added) StartScan and IsScanning functions to the Lua Content Library
(Updated) SVOD Installer Routine Function
(Updated) SvodInstaller to output progress to ProgressRoutine callback
(Added) InstallTitleFromDisc function to the FileSystem LUA library (wip)
(Added) SVODInstaller class (thanks cOz)
(Fixed) GetCpuKey only worked on old versions of Dashlaunch, it now works also on the new versions :)
(Fixed) A crash when using GetDVDKey or GetCPUKey in the Kernel LUA Lib caused by a missing overload for GetBytesString
(Added) Link to external AuroraRepo script on GitHub
(Removed) local lua scripts
(Updated) Scripts readme.txt
(Added) Log the changes made using Script.Status, this is for ease of debugging scripts (Knowing what status last happened may help debug errors)
(Updated) all scripts to the latest versions from the git
(Added) Ability to detect if a rename failed after downloading file
(Fixed) Typo in LuaGizmoUI class
(Added) Library Methods outline to Aurora Scripts folder
(Added) Additional supported controls for gizmo scene
(Updated) Localization text with correct passcode create & verify language
(Fixed) Navigation issue in Content Settings
(Removed) , separation from LiNK Top 5 because Europeans are backwards.
(Updated) Link Top5 Script to 'Refresh' by rerunning download.
(Updated) ZipLib to behave more predictably in the underlying file system.
(Removed) Ability to manually close ZipFile until we can determine best way to handle it.
(Added) Close to LuaZipLib allowing the users to manually close the handle to a open 7z archive
(Added) Popup Notification telling you how many titles were effected by the DB Cleaner
(Fixed) a bug causing the script to never be able to exit on error conditions
(Updated) Scripts and Icons
(Updated) Weather Script Icon
(Fixed) Issue with icon not showing up in script list if scriptIcon variable is empty
(Updated) DB Cleaner description and title
(Added) Progress indicator to Weather Script
(Updated) WindSpeed display to utilize user's unit selection
(Fixed) Weather Script Icon
(Updated) AuroraUI.lua to remove LuaXuiObjects that aren't yet supported
(Removed) Sample scripts and libraries from the Utility scripts folder
(Fixed) Cancel text not changing back after TU completed download.
(Updated) ScriptRunner class to utilize localized strings
(Updated) ScriptManager class to use Localized strings
(Updated) UtilityScriptList class to use localized strings
(Updated) UtilityScriptList class to use skin.xml for icons
(Added) LuaXuiEdit support in LuaGizmo
(Added) Support for multiple controllers in KeyboardUI
(Fixed) Handle input errors gracefully by returning false and not crashing the script
(Added) Made all except for hour optional for SetTime and added Milliseconds, if not specified they're reset to 0
(Added) Console Info Viewer - A sript that shows some valueable information about the console (Kernel version, serial, console id, cpu/dvd key and motherboard type/model)
(Added) SetDate and SetTime to the Kernel LUA Lib
(Fixed) Issue that occurred when script manager list was empty.
(Updated) Script Manager to properly handle the delete button.
(Updated) Link Top5 script
(Updated) Link Top-5 Script folder structure
(Changed) GimzoCommandSet to GizmoCommandSetText
(Added) GizmoCommandSetEnabled method
(Added) Ability to configure the (A) button on a LuaGizmo
(Added) Ability to set LuaGizmo title bar text when Inoking a LuaGizmo
(Added) Script.FileExists and Script.CreateDirectory methods to the ScriptRunner base code to allow relative file management
(Added) Missing icon display when script icon cannot be found
(Added) Ability to load a custom skin for a LuaGizmo script
(Added) LiNK Top-5 script framework to AuroraScripts folder (wip)
(Updated) Weather Script
(Added) AuroraRepo - Our base for the Repo Browser
(Added) DBCleaner - Our Database Cleaner
(Added) TempViewer - Our Current Temperature Viewer
(Added) UnitTests - Our LUA Unit Tests
(Fixed) TU MsgBox Denied ID 4 -> 3
(Fixed) #682 - support for USB devices (DLC, Save games and content TU's)
(Added) AuroraScripts folder to hold official scripts
(Updated) Lua Settings library to new format
(Fixed) Animation Glitch in NotificationUI that caused the icon color to change at the end of the animation.
(Disabled) The TESTSCENE compile flag -
(Fixed) Typo in Application class that prevent test scene from working as it should
(Updated) Http Client to support POST requests when no POST vars are provided.
(Updated) Added StackDump function to LuaVM
(Updated) LuaAurora library- removed GetConsoleInfo- functionality was moved to Kernel Library
(Updated) LuaHttp Lib to new format, added GET and POST support with ToFile variants
(Updated) LuaSql Library to new format
(Updated) LuaThreadLib by removing functions that are error prone and irrelevant.
(Updated) Lua Profile Library
(Updated) SubtitleFunction script for achievements to use new lua profile library
(Fixed) Crash in the ZipFile LUA Library when extracting 7z files without folders (or more files then folders)
(Fixed) Error when opening AuroraUI elements too quickly (sleep for 500ms before returning fixes the problem and it's barely noticeable)
(Updated) Parental Control Permissions to be System Specific instead of User Specific
(Added) Security Settings for configuring Parental Control permissions
(Updated) Some lua Libraries
(Updated) Indie/Blue and Kinect/Purple case (#695)
(Added) Kernel permission to Utility Scripts
(Added) New functionality to LuaAuroraLib
(Deleted) LuaPluginLib (redundant)
(Added) LuaKernelLib
(Updated) Lua HTTP Library to have better error handling
(Updated) AuroraUI modules to be built into the Aurora library (except Gizmo)
(Updated) Content.FindContent method to return the entire content info for each found instance.
(Updated) Lua "print" function to also print tables
(Added) GetInfo method to LuaContent library
(Fixed) type on asset importer conditional checks
(Updated) 7z class to use CombinePath function for building paths
(Added) Copy and Move directory functions into LuaFileSystem library
(Added) LuaContent library
(Added) RefreshListOnExit function to UtilityScript task.
(Added) Lua Zip Lib for 7z compressed files
(Removed) The ini permission
(Added) Content permission
(Fixed) Issue where print and tprint weren't outputting to LOG
(Updated) IniLib and FileSystemLib ( WIP)
(Added) ScriptManager in System Tools
(Fixed) IniLib
(Added) SetLuaPath function in LuaVM
(Fixed) SampleScript in Lua Folder
(Fixed) Bug that was causing ScanPathConfigUI to lose focus
(Updated) System dialog to match new design
(Added) Base XUI Class code for Security Settings
(Added) Screen Captures feature
(Changed) Network Debugger now sends JSON packets
(Changed) LUA Errors are now filtered as "LUAERROR" instead of "ScriptRunner"
(Updated) NetDbgLogger to include LOG type
(Added) NetDbgDll interface for Aurora Network Debugging
(Added) Temporary Icon for NetDbg Module
(Added) Screen Capture Scene (WIP)
(Added) Screen Capture XUI Class (WIP)
(Added) Screen Capture menu item in game options
(Updated) Skin and Localization files to use 0.6B as current version
(Added) New Dll based LogOutput class
(Fixed) Issue in FreestylePlugin settings that caused the "Y" button to not show up in Screen Capture trigger/activator
(Updated) Aurora Folder Structure; cleaned up root directory
(Updated) Lua Script search locations to follow revised folder structure
(Updated) Aurora Path references to follow revised folder structure
(Updated) SMBDll Enabled check to be "Enabled"
(Added) Localized Strings for Module List
(Added) Skin configuration for Module Icons
(Added) Not Implemented Text in Security Settings
(Updated) Verify Link scene to use new Plugin Manager interface
(Updated) Debug Overlay to be translucent (also forced overlay in LTCG mode, temporarily)
(Updated) Config to enable SMB server startup- if SmbDll is available
(Updated) Plugin Manager to take a more active role in managing plugins
(Updated) All plugin dependent classes to use revised plugin manager
(Updated) Settings scene with new revamped plugin settings and renamed/reordered multiple settings
(Updated) PopupUI to attach to the BkgProcess layer as opposed to the calling parent. Fixes center issue in some scenes.
(Added) New Plugin settings module for CFEdit, FtpDll, SmbDll, DashLaunch, FreestylePlugin and ConnectX
(Added) New Plugin settings XUI scenes for FtpDll, SmbDll, DashLaunch, FreestylePlugin and ConnectX (CFEdit has no settings)
(Added) Skinnable Module Icons for Plugins (WIP)
(Fixed) Flicker when opening Verify Link for the first time since boot
(Updated) LibSMB to utilize TMP folder located in DATA/SMB/
(Fixed) Replaced rpc.lua and rpcserver.lua for the LUA JSON library with the actual lua code and not the html from github
(Added) LoadString to Lua INI library (loading via string, disables ability to save settings to disk; ie., read only)
(Added) Http.DownloadFile(...) to the Http Lua Library
(Updated) Lua HTTP Lib to remove the httpInstance concept and stick with synchronous functions
(Updated) Sample Script to use INI lib after corrections
(Added) GetSections, GetAllSections, GetAllKeys functions to Lua INI Library
(Added) Lua INI Lib (WIP)
(Added) Lua XUI Controls Bindings
(Added) Lua Gizmo Binding
(Updated) Lua Thread lib to use Aurora Task Manager instead of Raw Threads
(Updated) Lua Http Lib to have synchronous downloading (WIP)
(Added) Error handling for TPRINT when passing a non-table.
(Added) Overloaded function for Task.SetProgres
(Added) Http.Download() function with POST and GET
(Updated) SetProgress to use a lua_Unsigned instead of lua_Number
(Added) new lua function 'tounsigned' to convert an integer value to unsigned
(Added) Runtime notifications for script error
(Fixed) Error handling when LUA file has general syntax error preventing script from compiling
(Added) Utility Script Support (WIP)
(Updated) ScanPath Config scene to properly respond to scan path events
(Fixed) Path bug when editing a scan path on a disconnected device
(Fixed) Missing localization in Content Launcher initiated by background process
(Renamed) The Xbox Marketplace tab to Assets in the Settings Scene
(Added) Import Assets button to the Assets Settings Scene
(Updated) ScanPathList to show [Not Available] in place of device when not connected
(Updated) All Progress tasks to utilize the callers HXUIOBJ (future use)
(Added) Script Runner task (wip- future use)
(Added) AuroraUI lua library (wip- future use)
(Updated) AssetImporter to not use BMP
(Fixed) TitleUpdateListJSON Crashing when unexpected data was returned from unity
(Added) Support for DDS image files in AssetImporter
(Added) Full process logging to asset importer for end-user
(Added) Localized status messages for AssetImporter progress bar
(Added) Progress percentage values to AssetImporter progress bar
(Added) KinectRequired class to Xbox360 executable parser
(Updated) Database/ContentManager to use CaseIndex instead of flags to determine case color
(Added) Blue/Indie case color to the set of available cases
(Updated) ContentScanner to recognize indie games and apply blue case
(Added) Release Date & Content ID subtitle scripts
(Added) AssetImporter task class (wip)
(Updated) JpegImage class with new function to get image dimensions
(Updated) Pngimage class. Recoded core class and fixed many bugs.
(Fixed) DirectoryDeleter class index
(Added) Multiple functions to Content Manager to allow changing of other fields dynamically
(Updated) Game cover downloader to use localized strings
(Updated) Skin Browser to show spinner when loading thumbnails.
(Updated) Skin Browser to not allow deletion of compressed skins (disabled due to known bug)
(Updated) Game background to wallpaper to handle errors
(Updated) Cover and Game Background notices to use localized text
(Updated) Game background to wallpaper method to update the Theme Scene with the thumbnail on change.
(Added) Support for Parental Controls with Passcode protection in key areas
(Added) New icon for cover download manager
(Fixed) Gamebackground saving to create thumbnail and update theme scene
(Fixed) SettingManager handling of User Settings and notifications
(Updated) Fullcover JSON parser to use V2 of XboxUnity API
(Added) Framework for Download Cover scene
(Added) Framework for Game wallpapers
(Added) New FileManager Icon to game options
(Updated) The way storage manager recognizes mounted devices
(Added) Correct localized strings for device removal and insertion notifications.
(Updated) File Manager class to accept start location parameters
(Added) File Manager button to Game Details scene. Allowing user to open file manager directly to game path.
(Updated) The ModifyQV List to not allow page tabbing with LT or RT when holding the Move Button
(Fixed) Launch Button not disabling when the content is not available
(Added) Support for resigning containers (CONSOLE_SIGNED)
(Updated) HttpLUA class to properly handle complex POST data
(Updated) StorageManager to react to specific device notifications
(Added) Link to send textinput postvar for testing
(Fixed) Crash when pressing LT or RT when the game list is empty.
(Updated) HideBackups.lua adding support for NXE2GOD conversion backups (v1.1 and older)
(Fixed) Issue where quickview icon would show [X] when updating an existing quickview and the icon is not changed in anyway.
(Fixed) Data corruption bug when asset images are replaced with an image that has a different size than the original.
[Fixed] Aurora not building because of redefined tray state enum (using the one from xkelib now)

Version numbers

0.6b r1238 Binaries
0.6b r1238 Skin
3.0b r801 Freestyle Plugin

Aurora 0.5b


ConnectX - Connect X will be back in- so you can continue to view and run your libraries from your network drives, just like you did in Freestyle3.

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

Content Search- In the Browse Menu (X), we've added the ability to search for games in your library. When you enter the browse menu, you'll be able to press (Y) and popup a keyboard that will prompt you to enter search terms or search patterns. Upon confirm your search, the game list will filter itself.

Quick View - This is a big addition that we are finally finalizing in Aurora and feel it is going to bridge the gap between the power of filters and the outcry for folders.

Let me explain how they work. A quick view is a combination of filters using operators such as AND, OR, NOT and ( ). They are fully configurable and user definable, complete with their own icon, name. In addition to filters, they are also tied to sort type, sort order, and of course favorites / show hidden games.

For example, one of the preset Quick View's we'll be including is the 'Xbox 360' quick view. As you know- when you select the Xbox 360 folder, you'll also get Kinect games in that list. The 'Xbox 360' quick view creates a custom combination of filters equivalent to 'Xbox 360 AND NOT Kinect' where Xbox 360 and Kinect are normal filters.

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

Once you have configured and defined all of the quick views you want to have. When you press LB and RB on your controller, while on the main menu- you will be able to bring up the Quick View Selector where you can quickly swap between your different views.

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

We feel this is an extremely powerful feature with endless options- 100% user configurable and definable and will make accessing your library unique to you.

Stay tuned for the upcoming release. As usual; thanks for helping us test and improve Aurora and we look forward to bringing more functionality in the future.

Aurora 0.4b

Theme Settings - In the view menu, we've added a new section for theme settings. Here you can change your cover layout, you can select and preview backgrounds, and you can turn on or off the background animation setting. To add new backgrounds to your theme menu, you simply save them into your Aurora:\Backgrounds\ folder. Currently, we support BMP, PNG, DDS, JPG, DIB, HDR, PFM, and PPM image formats. For optimal use, please use an image that has a resolution of 1280x720. Smaller and larger images are supported; however, they are scaled and may compromise load times.

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

Skin Settings - Also in the view menu, we've added a section for skin settings. You will have the ability to select new user created skins, you will have the ability to turn on/off the "Idle" status text and you will have the ability to select an alternate splash screen. The alternate splash screen is a skin dependent feature. In Aurora, the alternate splash screen is a darker version of the default. Other skins may offer different alternates.

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

Launch DVD - In the system dialog (pressing Back on main menu) we have added a Launch DVD button. This button will allow you to launch whatever game (or movie) is in your DVD drive. This will not download artwork or allow you to manage title updates. That type of functionality will come in the future.

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

Title Update Scanning - Based on community feedback, we've opted to change up the TU scanning process. In Aurora 0.3b, we attempted to solve a serious issue that came up when scanning Title Updates. For those of you who don't know, prior to Aurora 0.3b, the title update scan and backup happened in the background. If a game was launched or the console was turned off while a title update was being copied, then the copy would be corrupt and the title update would not work. This became a bigger problem as Title Updates became much larger (Alien Isolation anyone?) as the copy would take even longer, increasing the chance of an interrupted backup. To solve this problem in Aurora 0.3b, we forced the title update scan to occur during the splash screen. However, the draw back that comes with that is the longer boot times, which many people didn't like.

The solution we implemented in Aurora 0.4b is to scan Title Updates the first time you boot Aurora 0.4b, and then allow the user to decide when the next scan happens. Provided you only use the built in Title Update Manager from within Aurora, then you won't have to scan for title updates again. However, if you manually copy them to your drive, or download them from another dash (like FSD), then you will need to scan again. We have implemented a Scan Now button in settings to allow you to rescan for new title updates in that case. For those of you who were okay with the AutoScan happening at boot, we've added a setting to allow that to happen every time. Lastly, we added a Clear All button which essentially will scan through all of your /Cache/ and /Content/ folders and remove any title updates it finds.

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

Added LB/RB tab icons to the FileManager and Title Update Manager to help make that more clear
Updated skin.xml and added skin.meta to skin files to support the new Skin Selection settings
Added alternate skin splash screen option in default skin
Reconfigured the Filter & Sorts scene and made updates to the game list happen immediately
Created a new dynamic list module that allows us to save a ton of XUI processing power
Added screenshot activator and trigger button selection prompts to allow configuration
Fixed an issue where you could move the game list while the Progress UI was displayed
Fixed an issue where freezing could occur when viewing achievements scene (and a couple other scenes)
Added the ability to launch LibXenon ELF files from within the File Manager
Added Launch DVD button to System dialog with drive detection to enable/disable button as necesssary
Moved CoverLayout selection into a popup list
Moved Sort Order selection into a popup list
Fixed an issue where screenshot combo would not be disabled if no network cable was inserted at boot
Removed filename restrictions in filemanager - allowing special characters to be used
Added ability to add or remove letterbox mode when on 4:3 screens without having to manually modify database
Aurora will now turn on XHTTP in dash launch while Aurora is running. When aurora exits, it will revert it to whatever setting you had it at previously.

Supported Languages
The following is a list of translations available in this release. If you have a language that is not already completed that you would like to translate for us, please contact Swizzy.
English - Default Language
German - Translated by Nachtgarm
French - Translated by Nord Sud Team
Spanish - Translated by Gromber
Italian - Translated by MatteIta
Portuguese - Translated by SpkLeader
Polish - Translated by Przemysław Kołodziejczyk
Swedish - Translated by Swizzy
Turkish - Translated by Bomlife
Dutch - Translated by Mattie
Simplified Chinese - Translated by Zesty
Traditional Chinese - Translated by Zesty
Russian - Translated by Cosmaty
Korean - Translated by -zard-

Future Updates
As usual we have a quite a few more features we are planning to implement as we continue to push Aurora forward. We are continuously checking the forums for all your requests and ideas, so keep them coming!

Thanks for helping us test our new dash replacement and look forward to bringing even more functionality in the future.
Special thanks goes to SpkLeader, Swizzy, Trajik, cOz, JPizzle, Blackwolf and Biohazard for their behind the scenes involvement and assistance in testing and preparing this package

Please post bugs in the support forum.
Or check out #RealModScene on Efnet for support

Current Versions:
0.4b r900 Binaries
0.4b r900 Skin
3.0b r801 Freestyle Plugin

Aurora 0.3b

File Manager - We've added a multi tab filemanager so you can do your basic file ops without having to leave Aurora. It also has inteligent file parsing to identify some of the files and folders that are usually hard to find:

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

Trainer Loading - We've been working closely with the XYZ Project developers in making a framework for Trainers which will load with games, this framework makes it very easy for other developers to build new trainers which can be loaded directly with Aurora!

Trainers can be saved in two locations:
- They can be saved in the game folder (next to the default.xex or CON file) in a folder called "Trainers"
- They can be saved in the aurora folder in a folder called "Trainers/titleid". For example "Aurora/Trainers/41508C3/trainer.xex"
Check out the compatible trainers at XYZMods.

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

Single File Language Packs - It is now possible to change languages without setting the consoles language in MS Dash. Additionally you can now add translations that are not supported by MS Dash as well. For additional languages and support, please post here.

AURORA 更新 0.7B.1

Improved the way Aurora boots; opening the game list into a loaded coverflow
Large game databases now work as intended
Fixed cover view camera corruption when camera is in something other than the default state.
Trailers no longer need to be downloaded, they're now streamed directly from! (They can still be downloaded if you like your local copies)
Added ability to launch games from FTP
Added dash launch version information to debug.log output
Added skinnable notification popup with color coded icons.
Fixed the hide backups filter
Added support for removing D3D Letterbox mode by changing setting manually in database
Added more loading output during splash screen for clarity.
Added ability to change games while in the game details window by pressing LT and RT.
Updated Developer, Publisher and Genre subtitle scripts to display "Not Available" when no text is present
Added focus memory when in certain scenes meaning your last focus won't jump around unpredictably
Updated TU Management to support TUs for XNA Title Launcher
Updated TU Manager to not always copy TU if it is already copied- decreasing game boot times with larger TUs
Added processing status to status bar for clarity

Supported Languages
The following is a list of translations available in this release. If you have a language that is not already completed that you would like to translate for us, please contact Swizzy.
English - Default Language
German - Translated by Nachtgarm
French - Translated by Nordsudteam
Spanish - Translated by Gromber
Italian - Translated by MatteIta
Portuguese - Translated by SpkLeader
Polish - Translated by Przemysław Kołodziejczyk
Swedish - Translated by Swizzy
Turkish - Translated by Bomlife
Dutch - Translated by Mattie
Simplified Chinese - Translated by Zesty
Traditional Chinese - Translated by Zesty

Future Updates
We have a few more features on our planning to make Aurora even more complete and as always we keep checking the forums for all your requests and ideas, so keep them coming!

Thanks for helping us test our new dash replacement and look forward to bringing even more functionality in the future.
Special thanks goes to SpkLeader, Swizzy, Trajik, cOz, Jpizzle, Blackwolf and Biohazard for their behind the scenes involvement and assistance in testing and preparing this package

Please post bugs in the support forum.
Or check out #RealModScene on Efnet for support

Current Versions:
0.3b r830 Binaries
0.3b r830 Skin
3.0b r801 Freestyle Plugin

20141208更新一个金手指包 这是XYZ为了方便AURORA使用金手指将之前的XYZProject用金手指的一部分转换为AURORA专用的金手指 方便AURORA用户批量导入



Abyss Odyssey XBLA
Akai Katana
Alan Wake An American Nightmare
Alice Madness Returns
Alien Hominid HD XBLA
Alien Isolation
Alien Vs Predator
Alpha Protocol
Amazing Spiderman 2
Anarchy Reins
Armored Core 5
Army Of Two 40 Days
Army Of Two Devils Cartel
Army Of Two
Asuras Wrath
Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY
Batman Arkham City Not GOTY
Batman Arkham City GOTY
Borderlands pre Sequel
Pay Day 2
Resident Evil HD
Resident Evil Operation Racoon
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Resident Evil 6
Rogue Warrior
Sacre2 Fallen Angel
Scary Girl XBLA
Sega Bass Fishing XBLA
Shoot Many Robots XBLA
Smurfs 2
SuperStreetFighter IV AE
Split Second Velocity
Tenchu Z
The Chronicles Of Riddick
The Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition
H A W X 2
Tornado Outbreak
Trails Evolution XBLA
Transformers fall of cybertron
Transformers ROTD Spark
Trials Fusion
Tropico 4 Gold Edition
Two Worlds
Ultra StreetFighter IV
Vampire Rain
Velvet Assassin
Watchmen End is Nigh
Watchmen End is Nigh Part 2
Wolfenstein The New Order
WWE 14
X Men Origins Wolverine
Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z
Yu gi oh 5D XBLA


Aurora Trainer Update Pack

I have released this Trainer pack so you can update all trainers that have been released so far for Aurora.

Whats been fixed ?

Sign In Bug

As you know you had to make sure you were signed in to your profile before you could use a trainer or it would crash your console this bug has now been fixed.

Unload Trainer Bug

there was a bug on freeboot that would not let trainer unload so you had to reboot after running a trainer this problem has also now been fixed and you can now start another trainer without rebooting.

Xex Switch Bug

Up until now we have not released any trainers for games that had more than one xex as there was a bug the would not allow us to do so, this bug should be fixed now and we will be releasing games that contain more than one xex for testing purposes so we can get feed back from you, eg (Assassins Creed Rouge) and all other AC games

Start Up Delay

trainer start up has been speed up a little.

How Do I Update ?

To update is simple just unrar the pack to desktop then copy all the folders inside the Aurora Trainer Update Pack folder to Aurora Trainers folder on your xbox hdd and click yes to any options that may appear on your pc this will merge and replace all the trainers you have already installed.





目前评论:223   其中:访客  151   博主  72

  1. avatar CICI 游客 0


  2. avatar 找个笼子暖暖鸟 游客 1

    热血无赖的金手指用不了 所有快捷键都没用

  3. avatar 睡饱懒太郎 会员 0


    • avatar 七支剑 博主

      @睡饱懒太郎 主机都没了 不过居然还在更新

      • avatar kyo 会员 2

        @七支剑 1、XBOX360端运行AURORA(运行AURORA目录内的Aurora.xex) 关闭Freestyle插件 具体操作为按START进入设置界面 光标移动到”Plugin”选项 界面右边去掉”Always Load On Boot”前面的勾选 然后点击下面的”Unload”按钮
        完全找不到在哪里 当前系统0.7b r1622
        2、在游戏列表中移动到对应的游戏上 按Y键打开游戏信息界面 按方向键至界面下方”A”图标边上出现Trainer字样

        • avatar 七支剑 博主

          @kyo 我主机都没了还怎么截图 教程中使用的是0.6B 或许0.7界面会有改变 不过应该不会改太多吧

          • avatar djjj 游客 0

            @七支剑 现在完全不一样,关不了fsd,不知道怎么搞,用不了

        • avatar 星期天的早晨 会员 0

          @kyo 我仔细看了一下,图片和视频教程是用0.3b做的,所以很所玩家都找不到相应的选项,我把自己机器内所有的游戏检查了一遍,只能识别2个金手指神偷和生化危机6,其它一概没有。至于那些能用金手指的就不知道他们用的那些黑魔法。

  4. avatar 鬼子的翻译官 游客 2

    这个教程牛头不对马嘴的,完全对不上啊。。。。楼主口否用点心把图片补补齐,或者视频添加解说,看了几遍没看懂,甚至按选在哪里都没搞清 金手指游戏id目录已经复制到新建文件夹并复制到对应目录,但是不会使用

    • avatar 七支剑 博主

      @鬼子的翻译官 视频是官方做的 不是我 有详细的文字教程 你只说没看懂 我又怎么知道你哪里没看懂

      • avatar 小薇 会员 0

        @七支剑 博主,怎么用教一下,这个视频越看越懵,AURORA系统就简简单单说哪些文件拷贝到哪里。这教程些的真的是太没水平了,不知道几个人士看懂的

  5. avatar 春风也得意 游客 0


  6. avatar 零八电影网-免费在线播放 游客 0


  7. avatar 守护甜心 会员 4
